Solvang Overnighter

Solvang Overnighter

Forums Solvang Overnighter

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    • #940 Reply

        Attached are 2 PDF files for directions and an overview.

      • #964 Reply
        Richard Catarineau

          Bikram, you can now upload a .GPX file if you want to.

        • #966 Reply

            I will be uploading Garmin’s native .gdb file today or tomorrow. Earlier I saw a message about the size 2MB, did you increase size?

            Also I wanted to keep these files as part of the event, but there was no option. Is it possible?
            Secondly, can the event and forum be tied, like the old system, so that if someone were to scroll all the way up, they will see my first post?

          • #967 Reply

              Ah, I noticed that you increased the size to 5MB, just as I clicked Submit.

            • #968 Reply
              Richard Catarineau

                Sorry, no, any files need to go in the forum.
                And Forums and Calendar Events are separate. That’s why there should be a link between the 2.

                See the Guide in:
                Home Page › Forums › Board Members Only › Club Documents

                • #977 Reply

                    Got it. Thanks. I saw what you did. Also, can you allow .gdb files to be uploaded. Thanks Rick!

                • #971 Reply

                    .gpx file is attached. I also have a short local ride. However, for security reason it did not let me upload .gdb file. Good news, if you really want it, I also have the .gdb file on South Coaster’s classic website, please down load it from there.

                    I am also attaching Local Ride snapshot.

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