Summer Solstice Ride

Summer Solstice Ride

Forums Rides Summer Solstice Ride

  • Creator
  • #12619 Reply
    John Crittenden

      To clarify, this will be a ride from Lake Elsinore to Palm Desert, and back, starting from Starbucks on Collier Ave.  in Lake Elsinore at 6 p.m.    If so desired, we can also try Jack’s Bar-B-Q, 1604 W. Lakeshore Dr., Lake Elsinore,  at 4:30 pm.    (Just a short hop from Starbucks),

      2020 Summer Solstice Ride, Jack’s Bar-B-Q

    Viewing 10 reply threads
    • Author
      • #12629 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Everybody have a fun, safe ride. Unfortunately Karen & I will be in Reno visiting family. Damn, there goes my chance to win the mileage award !!
          No Bill, we are not riding there.

        • #12638 Reply
          Bill Allen

            Why is there a link to the Broken Yolk in Temecula?

            • #12639 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                Bill did you find the correct address for Jack’s BBQ ? JACK’S BAR-B-Q, 1604 W LAKESHORE DR, LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92530
                I didn’t see where the Broken Yolk was a part of this ride.

            • #12640 Reply
              Bill Allen

                Broken Yolk shows up on the Calendar?

              • #12643 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  Fixed. Don’t know how that got there. Must be Brandon’s fault.

                • #12661 Reply
                  Ron Zablocki

                    So is the meetup location Starbucks, or Jack’s BBQ?

                    • #12662 Reply
                      Bill Reitz

                        Starbucks if you don’t want to eat, BBQ if you do eat.

                    • #12683 Reply
                      John Crittenden

                        4:30 for Jack’s, 6 pm for Starbucks. Want to leave promptly at 6:15 pm!

                      • #12687 Reply
                        David Eastly

                          Have fun! I’ll be camping with the Airheads.

                        • #12696 Reply
                          Adrian Cruz

                            New Member here!

                            Wanted to know if there are any OC folks riding back from Lake Elsinore (after the ride) Would love to have some company homeward. Thanks for the help.

                            Adrian Cruz

                            • #12699 Reply
                              Bill Reitz

                                Welcome Adrian, where do you live ? I’m in Huntington Beach if you’re near there.

                            • #12697 Reply
                              Ron Zablocki

                                Yo Adrian! There are plenty of OC members here, that shouldn’t be a problem. 😉

                              • #12698 Reply
                                Adrian Cruz

                                  Awesome Ron! Looking forward to meeting you and other riders this Saturday!


                                • #12700 Reply
                                  Gilbert Galvez

                                    Will be joining Solstice ride.

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