Laughlin Ride

Laughlin Ride

Forums Rides Laughlin Ride

  • Creator
  • #13404 Reply

      Hello South Coasters
      Please join me for Laughlin ride in January 2021, please book your room ASAP as price rocketed in the last few days. I booked my room at Laughlin River Lodge, there are two different rates one with river view and one without. Please bring with you your worn, unwanted old shoes on this trip as we will visit Rice Shoes Fence. Due to COVID-19, lunches and dinners location are TBD, hope to see y’all on this ride. Some of us do not use NAV or GPX’s files so I have both GPX’s files and print out PDF for the ride.

      Thank you

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    • Author
      • #13409 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          HI Tony, nice routes. Did you know now you can add times for stops like gas, lunch, dam pictures in MyRoute ?? You can also change the colors of waypoints to show what they are. I made your gas & picture stops yellow, the starts green and the end points red.

          • #13410 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              I didn’t know that Bill – I’ll have to check out MyRoute again.

            • #13417 Reply

                I didn’t know that either, thank you Bill and I will take a look at it. Oh, BTW I was using Basecamp for my routes, will it import to Mytoureapp and shows the features or vise versa?

                • #13418 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Tony I don’t use BaseCamp, it’s too tough for me to learn. I was a Tyre then MyRoute guy. As long as your routes are saved on the computer then you just import them to MyRoute. From there you can add stop times and change colors of the waypoints.
                    If you need help I’m available for only a dozen chocolate chip cookies per half hour !

                  • #13419 Reply
                    Ron Zablocki

                      Tony, I’m also available for assistance if you need it – and for half the price of what Bill’s asking!

                      • #13424 Reply

                          Thank you Ron, see you on the ride.

                        • #13426 Reply
                          Bill Reitz

                            For Tony & Ron, by the way I’m not charging for this info, here is a MyRoute Facebook video explaining the use of via points / route points / shaping points. With these additions you can set times for coffee breaks and such to see how long the overall route will take.


                            • #13427 Reply
                              Ron Zablocki

                                Hey Bill – That’s neat stuff, but when you import the route into BaseCamp or your Garmin GPS – it’s all gone. So for me, I might as well do it in BaseCamp.

                                • #13429 Reply
                                  Bill Reitz

                                    I guess I need to try these things out before I say how great they are ??

                                  • #13430 Reply
                                    Bill Reitz

                                      Ron as much as I hate to admit, you were right. I imported a route I added timed stops & waypoint colors but just the standard flags showed up on my NAV IV. I believe the webinar says the newer Garmin units show the color & times. Oh well, I tried.

                                      • #13431 Reply
                                        Ron Zablocki

                                          My Nav 6 doesn’t show the MyRoute things either when I import it. Maybe they’re talking about the Garmin XT that was released not too long ago.

                            • #13413 Reply
                              Willis Ho

                                Hi Tony,
                                I have booked my room at Laughlin River Lodge, thanks to put the ride plan together. Willis

                                • #13425 Reply

                                    That is awseome Willis, see you on the ride

                                • #13456 Reply
                                  Eric Wolf

                                    Hey Tony, thanks for setting this up. Since Monday, Jan 18 is a holiday (MLK), have you thought about extending this trip one more day, coming home Monday instead of Sunday?

                                    • #13457 Reply

                                        Hello Eric

                                        I am aware of the holiday, unfortunately there are not much to ride in the area. Most of us are retirees but there are still working and this is the reason of 3 days ride, I am working on few more rides that will require multiple days and please stand by.

                                        I do not know what happens here but I can not sign up for ride list or it does not work, I also understand with holidays are around the corner and web master also busy with his personal life. Please respond here if anyone is interest for this ride and I will see you at the ride.

                                        Don’t forget we still deal with this pandemic, please bring your mask and hand sanitizer with you and practice social distance when we can.

                                        The weather will be cold, don’t forget your warming gear.

                                        See you there.

                                        • #13459 Reply
                                          Brandon Wilson

                                            Tony –

                                            Ride list signup works fine. E-mail me the issue you might be having.


                                            • #13461 Reply
                                              Bill Reitz

                                                Brandon one problem with the Ride List is it shows Laughlin 2020 not 2021. I know, picky picky.

                                                • #13621 Reply
                                                  Brandon Wilson

                                                    sorry, I was thinking we all wanted an extension to 2020.

                                                • #13462 Reply
                                                  Bill Reitz

                                                    Sorry for the double post but I couldn’t find a DELETE button.

                                                    • #13463 Reply

                                                        Bill, are you stirring up trouble lol 😆 😂 🤣 😅 😄

                                                      • #13464 Reply

                                                          Bill, are you stirring up trouble lol 😆 😂 🤣 😅 😄

                                                • #13458 Reply
                                                  Eric Wolf

                                                    Tony, count me and Roberto in.

                                                  • #13576 Reply
                                                    Willis Ho

                                                      Hi Tony,
                                                      Eric and I will join you at the Burger King location cross from Cabazon Dinosaurs on Friday. Please text / call me on your ETA at departure.

                                                      Weather look good, little bit windy near the river. Looking forward for the ride!


                                                    • #13578 Reply
                                                      Erasmo Brenes

                                                        Hi Tony,

                                                        Is there a meeting time on Friday? I see the starting point in San Juan Capistrano (corner of Antonio and 74) from the gpx.


                                                        • #13655 Reply

                                                            Hello Erasmo

                                                            I don’t know what happened and just caught your message, first meet up is at Bravo’s Burger locate at 74 AKA Ortega Hwy and 5 Frwy, just east of the freeway a light or 2 on right hand side KSU at 8. Dan Burtt should be there around 730 for a cup of coffee and I will try to be there early too.

                                                            The plan was I will swing by Starbucks at Antonio Parkway and 74 in case some one wanted to meet there, the second meet up is Dinosaur park in Cabazon by Burger King about an hour or hour and a half after starting from SJC, if any one miss the both meet up place then they can chase to catch up at Chiriaco Summit.

                                                            Anything you can call me at 714 904 0068 and you use mesh on your com I will be on channel 1


                                                        • #13618 Reply

                                                            Hello everyone

                                                            To clarify the itinerary for this coming up Friday’s ride

                                                            For riders live in Orange County you can meet us at 1st meet up at Bravo’s Burger or Bravos California Fresh, 31722 Rancho Viejo Rd, San Juan Capistrano. We will ride Ortega into Lake Elsinore and work our ways into Hemet before head up Hwy 79 to Beaumont and Cabazon Dinosaur Park is the next meet up, KSU at 08:00AM and we would be at the park 09:30AM (hopefully), if you do not wanted to do this you can meet up at the Dinosaur Park.

                                                            For North Orange County, Los Angeles, Inland Empire Riders you do not have to travel south to do this, you can meet us at Dinosaur Park at Cabazon, we will depart once everyone are there.

                                                            For other riders are not west of Dinosaur Park, you can catch us junction 62 and 177, I can not give you my ETA but you can call me to check on our progress, please do not text me as I removed all my mounts on my handle bar and will not see your text except incoming call via my NAV.

                                                            The plan is having a light snacks at Chiriaco Summit, a light lunch at Lake Havasu and dinner at Laughlin with your choice of Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. or Saltgrass Steak House and both are within walking distance 6 or 10 minutes max, this will be the plan for both night, Friday and Saturday.

                                                            Breakfast for Sunday morning is TBD and lunch will be at Pappy and Harriet’s in Pioneer Town before we dismiss.

                                                            Hope to see everyone this Friday, in the mean time ride safe and stay healthy. A friendly reminder, please bring your face mask, hand sanitizer, a pair of old, unwarted pair of shoes with shoes laces ties together.

                                                            If you have any questions, suggestions please don’t hesitate to call or text me at 714 904 0068


                                                          • #13648 Reply
                                                            Willis Ho

                                                              Just got a covid-19 vaccine appointment at Disneyland this Saturday! I will join you at Bravo’s burger on 8:00am for the Friday ride only!

                                                              Sorry for the last minute change.

                                                              Willis Ho

                                                              • #13650 Reply

                                                                  Willis, that is a good news. Even a short ride is still good but your health is priority, for us probably till June or August.

                                                              • #13653 Reply
                                                                Karl Wagner

                                                                  Hope to see you at Bravo Burger for your Friday ride out, or part of it at least, need to get some seat time and see the group for therapy!
                                                                  See you in the morning!

                                                                  • #13654 Reply

                                                                      Hello Karl

                                                                      Got your message and will see you there, plan on KSU at 8

                                                                  • #13657 Reply
                                                                    Willis Ho


                                                                      The orange county covid vaccine website, opened for appointment tonight again. Please tell the senior rider live or work in orange county if interested.



                                                                    • #13658 Reply
                                                                      Willis Ho

                                                                        Got Moderna at disneyland today in 30 minutes, the appointment still available for Orange county 65+.

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