Julian Pie Ride—-23 May

Julian Pie Ride—-23 May

Forums Rides Julian Pie Ride—-23 May

  • Creator
  • #12390 Reply
    John Crittenden

      I’ll lead a ride to Julian, as pie is waiting.   Likely will be a place open to grab some lunch to go with the pie.

      This is not a Club Ride, and won’t count for miles in the MIleage Contest.    As such, not on the Ride LIst, but can post here or email me ([email protected]) so we have an idea of how many riders.

      Looking at starting from Lake Elsinore area at about 10 a.m.   I’ll have a route posted later in the week, but looking to go till later in the afternoon.  

      Let’s get some space and air!   

      Link to CalendarJulian Pie Ride—Not an Official Club Ride

    Viewing 23 reply threads
    • Author
      • #12393 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          Sounds good to me….. of course I haven’t cleared it with the BOSS yet.

        • #12395 Reply
          Eric Wolf

            Since the 49er is cancelled, my Sat is open.

          • #12396 Reply
            Bill Allen

              Sounds good to me.

            • #12397 Reply
              Alan DeCarr

                Sounds good to me. Bill Reitz, if you get a hall pass I’ll ride over with you.


              • #12403 Reply
                Brandon Wilson

                  Did someone say Pie?

                • #12405 Reply
                  Karl Wagner


                  • #12411 Reply
                    Gilbert Galvez

                      Count me in.

                    • #12417 Reply
                      John Crittenden

                        I set the meet-up location in Lake Elsinore, 10 a.m., as some will be coming from O.C. and others from the IE.

                        KSU 10:15 a.m.

                        Please be gassed up. Gas in Borrego Springs and Pala.

                        Lunch in Borrego Springs, then to Julian for PIE.

                        See you all there!

                      • #12427 Reply
                        Ron Zablocki

                          Lorna and I are in!

                        • #12429 Reply
                          David Eastly

                            Mmmm, pie! I’m in!

                          • #12431 Reply
                            Erasmo Brenes

                              Just keep in mind that it’ll be 100s in Borrego Springs by Saturday noon.

                            • #12432 Reply
                              Ron Zablocki

                                Mmmm… Toasty!

                              • #12437 Reply
                                John Crittenden

                                  For those of us coming from the IE, if desired, we can meet at the ARCO/AMPM on Central Ave just north of the 71, and leave by 8:45 a.m.

                                • #12438 Reply
                                  Gilbert Galvez

                                    I will be at Arco on Saturday.

                                  • #12439 Reply
                                    Joe Alwan

                                      Original Apple with cinnamon ice cream – 8 months ago!

                                      See you at Lake Elsinore

                                    • #12441 Reply
                                      Warren Belkin

                                        As you know from email – I plan to be there. Looking forward to it.

                                      • #12446 Reply
                                        Bill Reitz

                                          Remember your masks everyone !! And maybe your “Cool Vest” too.

                                        • #12447 Reply
                                          Bill Allen

                                            Sorry guys, but we have to bail. I’m 10 weeks post OP and still not strong enough. One chest XRay and two consults with the NP confirmed this is going to take a while.

                                            Have a GREAT ride!

                                          • #12462 Reply
                                            Bill Reitz

                                              Thanks John for planning & leading a GREAT day of riding ! 295 miles of fun roads AND pie !!

                                            • #12463 Reply
                                              Brandon Wilson

                                                well said Bill!

                                                Folks, please post your pictures here so I can use for the newsletter if you don’t mind 🙂


                                              • #12464 Reply
                                                Alan DeCarr

                                                  Thank you John for planning and leading a great ride. Timing, weather and participants were awesome. It’s also a good time to “high 5” the board members and riders of the SCBMW RC. It’s a pleasure to share a day with friendly, genuinely nice people who share a love of the motorcycle.

                                                • #12467 Reply
                                                  David Eastly

                                                    Thanks John. What a pleasure to get out and ride with friends!

                                                  • #12472 Reply
                                                    Ron Zablocki

                                                      Brandon – I uploaded some pics, but I was having GoPro issues, so no video unfortunately.

                                                    • #12480 Reply
                                                      John Crittenden

                                                        I’ll do a little write-up for the Newsletter, and Brandon can add photos as he sees fit, as I only have a couple.

                                                        Very glad we’re finally able to get out and about, and let’s get some more on the Calendar!

                                                        Thanks to all for making this a most excellent ride!

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