Moto Stories

Moto Stories

Forums General Moto Stories

  • Creator
  • #12404 Reply
    Brandon Wilson


      Eric had a great suggestion: for the newsletter or for fun here; share your good, clean, funny, amazing, out of this world moto story on or off the trail. I look forward to your submissions. If you prefer to send your story to me for the newsletter, send it to [email protected]!

      Let the memories begin.

      Brandon and Eric

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    • Author
      • #12409 Reply
        Bill Allen
        • #12410 Reply
          Bill Allen

            I’m probably most “famous” (or infamous) for this ride:

          • #12421 Reply
            Chris Roady

              Nice Bill !

            • #12473 Reply
              Richard Catarineau

                Oh, a blast from the past contest. OK, here’s one for you old timers.

              • #12475 Reply
                Richard Catarineau

                  Heck, since you got me started down memory lane…

                • #12477 Reply
                  Richard Catarineau

                    Oh, this memory lane stuff keeps getting better and better. Here’s another one.

                    And by the way Brandon, when I changed the web site to WordPress, I first downloaded Bill Allen’s previous HTML web site. This is where I found this article. If you have an ftp site I can upload the old site to you which has little treasures like this.

                  • #12479 Reply
                    Chris Roady

                      Nice one Rick … guess I will reach waaaaaay back to one of my favorite moto stories. My father, brother and I were riding in Gormon in the late ’60’s, maybe very early ’70’s. I was in Jr High School and loving life with my Hodaka Ace 90. My Dad was riding his ’68 Husky 360, and I don’t recall what my older brother was riding at the time. The three of us had pulled off a trail for a breather and had removed our helmets. As we are talking, this guy on another Husky comes FLYING up to us. He comes to a quick stop and starts asking us if we had seen a small boy on a Yamaha Mini Enduro? He explains that his son got separated from his group and is lost and alone. As he is telling us this, my Dad recognizes him (partly because of his last name written across the bottom of his helmet ;- ), and asks in surprise “are you Steve McQueen?” He says yes and continues describing his son and bike, letting us know he is very worried and telling us where their trucks are parked and they are riding out of, in case we find him. Needless to say our trail ride had a new variable as we added “rescue mission” to the days adventure. After a while, a helicopter has joined the search party .. funny, but none of my “lost in the desert” adventures as a child enlisted helicopter searches … guess my folks didn’t love me as much as Steve loved his son! Soon enough, it was getting to be time to load the bikes in the truck and head back to good ole Downey. Before returning to our camp, we routed thru Steve McQueens. As we rolled thru, Steve was sitting in the cab of an older Ford truck with his son and another guy eating a sandwich. As we slowly rolled by, he flashed us a big grin and while holding a sandwich in one hand, he gave us a thumbs up with the other. Over 50 years later I still enjoy the memory of meeting Steve McQueen in the middle of the CA desert with my Dad and brother!

                    • #12484 Reply
                      Bill Allen

                        Brandon – if you want more, there are a LOT of articles on the old website in HTML format. There are rides and lots of rally reports. There’s even a history section that goes back even further than me 🙂

                      • #12493 Reply
                        Ted Taylor

                          Those old articles bring back some great memories!!

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