Weekend Baja Escape Oct 18-20, 2019

Weekend Baja Escape Oct 18-20, 2019

Forums Rides Weekend Baja Escape Oct 18-20, 2019

  • Creator
  • #10869 Reply
    Jim Foreman

      Hello Fellow South Coasters,

      This October, I’m leading a group of awesome riders to San Felipe for a Weekend Baja Escape.
      This is happening at the same time as the “Fall Colors Ride.”
      Since there are way more members than any particular ride can handle, there shouldn’t really be any conflict.

      This trip features private seaside bungalow accommodations right on the Sea of Cortez. The best part is that there are beachside food and drink service for those who enjoy VIP treatment.
      Saturday, there is an optional ride to Coco’s Corner.

      It’s a great way to get away from the craziness of life in the city and appreciate the many incredible ways we are truly blessed.

      If this sounds appealing to you, please go to the product listing and sign up.
      Weekend Baja Escape Oct 18-20

      San Felipe Malecon
      San Felipe Seaside
      Coco's Corner
      Seaside Low Tide and High Tide

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    • Author
      • #10894 Reply
        Jim Foreman

          The dates have changed!

          In order to better fit with the Club Ride Calendar, the dates for this trip have changed to Oct 11-13, 2019.

          South Coasters also get 10% Off this trip using coupon code “SouthCoasterBMW“.

          There are only 10 spots and it will fill up fast.


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