Virtual El Capitan Ride

Virtual El Capitan Ride

Forums Rides Virtual El Capitan Ride

  • Creator
  • #12374 Reply
    Richard Catarineau

      For all you South Coasters that missed our annual April El Capitan campout, I took a day ride for you and made a movie. Sorry, but I didn’t ride my BMW. I rode my “new” 1981 Yamaha XS 650. Forgive me.

      Ride to El Capitan (and then some)

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    • Author
      • #12375 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          That was a nice ride Rick. We’ve been on a lot (most) of those roads.

        • #12376 Reply
          Brandon Wilson

            Nice Rick. You almost moved out?

          • #12383 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              Today was supposed to be my last day but I underestimated how much junk I have accumulated. It all wouldn’t fit in the trailer. So I’ll be back next weekend and stay for another week. Anyone up for a ride to Mt Baldy or the Rick, I mean Rock, Inn?

            • #12384 Reply
              Eric Wolf

                Hi Rick,
                Count me in for a ride.

              • #12385 Reply
                Eric Wolf

                  So cool! Love the ride, the music, the bike, and so many familiar sights. Many, many memories of riding much of those routes. Thanks for the nostalgia. You are an artist!

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