The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride Sept 24th

The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride Sept 24th

Forums Rides The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride Sept 24th

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  • #6360 Reply
    Jacob Furgatch

      Are any other club members participating in the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride on Sunday Sept 24th? If you are I would like to know so maybe we can meet up at the start. For those of you that do not know about this event it is in support of men’s health, specifically prostate cancer research and suicide prevention. It is a global event with more than 44,000 riders currently registered at rides around the globe. For information go to:

      If you would like to help sponsor me you can go to my link at:

      Or sign up yourself and ride with us!

      Even if you don’t ride go to the site and watch the cool video about last years event.

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