Thanksgiving Mexico Run 2017

Thanksgiving Mexico Run 2017

Forums Rides Thanksgiving Mexico Run 2017

  • Creator
  • #6908 Reply
    Jim Foreman

      Okee Dokee… I’m trying to gauge interest in a Thanksgiving weekend run to Mexico.
      Leave Thursday morning to San Felipe. Stay there two nights and then head to Ensenada. Then stay there one night and return on Sunday.
      4 Days, 3 Nights, wineries, great roads, awesome beach, yummy food, amazing riders.
      Cost will be less than $500 (all inclusive except gas, insurance and extra adult beverages). Passengers would be less than $300.
      I’ve got a plan ready to go but I want to know who, besides Tony Dongwei Tang and Tom White would go.
      The only requirement you’d need to have already is a current passport.

      Please let me know quickly so I can finalize details and make it happen.

      Doesn’t this beat out awkward family gatherings with weird relatives?


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    • Author
      • #6913 Reply
        Jim Foreman
        • #6924 Reply
          Ron Zablocki

            The route looks great. I’ll confirm with the other half tonight and RSVP tomorrow.

          • #6925 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              So what’s the tentative plan for each of the 4 days?

            • #6927 Reply
              Jim Foreman

                Here is the tentative, but very likely to be the final plan.

                Thanksgiving in San Felipe.
                Thursday Nov 23rd . (329 Miles) Irv Seaver BMW – San Felipe, BC
                Dinner at El Nido Steakhouse
                El Cortez Hotel

                Friday Nov 24th (open) (Possibilities are Mike’s Sky Ranch, Coco’s Corner, or just enjoying the beach)
                El Cortez Hotel

                Saturday Nov 25th (155 Miles) San Felipe-Ensenada
                Cortez Hotel on the strip. Dinner at Deckman’s Vinyard.

                Sunday Nov 26th (200 Miles) Ensenada – Irv Seaver BMW
                Breakfast at Mustafas. Ruta del Vino to Tecate – Back to SoCal.

              • #6949 Reply
                Garrett Nowlin

                  confirmed I am able to go. Going to be a blast!

                • #6950 Reply
                  Jim Foreman

                    The trip is ready to go and it’s going to be incredible!
                    $475 Per Person. Passengers are only $275.
                    Hotels and Excellent Dinners included!
                    Limited to 10 Motorcycles.

                    Please email me or call me to book this trip.
                    [email protected]
                    310 923-6635

                  • #6952 Reply
                    Jim Foreman

                      Hi Garret and Ron,
                      Please give me your email address and if you will be taking a passenger so I can send out the PayPal invoice.


                    • #6955 Reply
                      Ron Zablocki

                        Well, unfortunately I’m going to have to bail on this one. I really wanted to attend, but family decided to get together for the holiday (this was a shocker). I didn’t think this was going to happen, and thought I’d have a nice relaxing weekend riding in Mexico. Was not to be… I’m hoping another one of these trips will spring up sometime.

                      • #6956 Reply
                        Garrett Nowlin

                          [email protected]



                        • #6957 Reply
                          Garrett Nowlin

                            sorry, sent too quickly. just me, no one else going….

                          • #6975 Reply
                            Jim Foreman

                              Last Call for the Thanksgiving Baja Moto Trip. I need to know if you’re going by This Friday, the 17th.
                              There’s still a couple of openings.


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