Sierra Passes Ride – Draft Routes Posted

Sierra Passes Ride – Draft Routes Posted

Forums Rides Sierra Passes Ride – Draft Routes Posted

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  • Author
    • #7641 Reply
      Karl Wagner
      • #7644 Reply
        Karl Wagner
        • #7649 Reply
          Karl Wagner
          • #7652 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              I know you said no comments but I just had to say very nice Karl. Some fun twisties waiting to be ridden. Please forgive me.

            • #7653 Reply
              Ron Zablocki

                Looks very nice, excellent work Karl! 🙂

                Please do post once the routes are confirmed.

              • #7654 Reply
                Bill Allen

                  Hi, Karl. I appreciate the post, but I don’t have the software to open any of these files. Sure, I’m sure I can open them on my old laptop I use ONLY to update maps on my Nav4, but it’s stuffed under my bed gathering dust and protecting me from monsters.
                  Would it be possible to list the waypoints?
                  Thank you,

                • #7655 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    Ron, I am not clear as to how to output the Waypoints. I can print out the turn by turn directions.

                    Perhaps Bill R or others know the major you speak of?


                  • #7656 Reply
                    Ron Zablocki

                      Karl – I think Bill would be fine with printed turn-by-turn directions. He should be able to get the major waypoints from that. I don’t knife of a way to print out just the waypoints, but I’ll look into it more.

                    • #7657 Reply
                      Bill Allen

                        Turn by turn would be ok.

                      • #7659 Reply
                        Bill Allen

                          O.K., I’ve downloaded Tyre and can now see the routes. I’m good.

                        • #7660 Reply
                          Bill Reitz

                            When you load the TRF files, those are the Tyre files, save them as GPX files. Plug in your Garmin then Tyre will see it and copy the GPX files to the Garmin.

                          • #7661 Reply
                            Bill Allen

                              Bill Reitz – That means I’ll have to load Tyre on my i3! Don’t I just need the waypoints to get an idea where I’m going? Do I really need turn by turn if I’m riding in a group?
                              (note: I still haven’t upgraded my Garmin file!)

                            • #7662 Reply
                              Bill Reitz

                                But, but….. what if you decide to stay at a roadside rest after the group leaves, how will you find your way ???

                              • #7663 Reply
                                Bill Allen

                                  That happened once before. I led a group to Roads End in Kings Canyon. After the rest break at the end, I waited for Vern and Robin Shrader to finish their shopping in the general store while the rest of the group rode off to have lunch at the lodge. By the time they were ready to ride, the rest of the group was long gone. I got a “what’s the plan?” look from Vern to which I said “Go get ’em!”. What followed was the most exhilarating ride of my life. Keeping my attention firmly fixed on Vern’s tail light, I managed to keep up. We ordered lunch at the same time as the group. Now, could I do that again with Vern on his K16 and me on my Airhead (along with my diminished skills)? Nope. But I still believe I can manage.

                                  I’m having difficulty with the forums while using my laptop and phone. It says I’m logged in, but I cannot see or post to the forums. There is a note at the top of the screen which reads “You must be a member…” (even though I am logged in). Shrug.

                                • #7798 Reply

                                    It does that to me too. I was able to get to this one, but not to my post on Sierra ride thread, even when I logged from that page. There seem to be an issue persisting session or cookie gremlins.

                                  • #7802 Reply

                                      I couldn’t get to Route 66 route but I could get into here. “Scratching my head emoji goes in here”

                                    • #7929 Reply

                                        Bringing life to this thread …
                                        Karl, approximately how many miles? I am trying to gauge if my tire tread will be okay to replace after the trip for my next big trip. To me it appears I may have 1,000 to 1,300 miles left before replacement. The gauge is showing 3.

                                      • #7930 Reply
                                        Bill Reitz

                                          Bikram remember you might think there is enough tread but the tire wears faster near the end of its life. With new tires you’ll have one less worry.

                                        • #7931 Reply
                                          Ron Zablocki

                                            Karl – are those draft GPX files finalized, or are you planning on posting updated versions?

                                          • #7932 Reply

                                              Respectfully bowing to the wise man who spoke of wisdom.

                                              Thank you bill, you are absolutely right, I had experienced that several years ago but had forgotten.

                                            • #7934 Reply
                                              Karl Wagner

                                                Just returned from the 49er Rally which we rode several legs I was considering so as to finalize the route during the two free days up there. It will be generally be the draft routes posted above for mileage. Need some tweeks to pick up a road closure adjustment on hwy 49 that we learned about as well as a couple of break points. Anticipate having it route finalized by this weekend, still three weeks out to the ride.

                                                Sorry you are not able to make the ride Bikram, I replaced my tires last week for similar reasons. Why not just ride those 1k miles over the next three and a half weeks before the ride, get new tires, and have fun on the ride.

                                                Going to have the opportunity for more curves than one could want. Hope to break them up by some “relief” riding in between or breaks, but as Sharon and I had our last break with Eric Wolf Monday in Castaic coming home, we were a very happy albeit quite a tired small group!

                                              • #7936 Reply
                                                Ron Zablocki

                                                  Thanks Karl. 👍

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