Ride List Resolution

Ride List Resolution

Forums Rides Ride List Resolution

  • Creator
  • #9427 Reply
    Chris Roady

      Thought I’d share one of my New Years resolutions and hope others will join me. I resolve to try to routinely maintain my participation “intentions” on our ride list with the “yes or no” requested.

      My understanding is that our calendar can only maintain a window for planned rides that looks out 3 months. I know many/most of us have planned and led rides, and can appreciate the pre-work required to have a successful event. That 3 month timeframe is helpful for our ride leader to effectively plan for requirements like accommodations, food, timing, route building, etc. Many of these details are difficult to plan for without a ballpark count of participants.

      Hope y’all will join me in this small gesture of support for our ride leaders as they put in the work planning club rides for us.

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    • Author
      • #9447 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          This would be awesome! I have been deliquent myself, in for the reocmmitment.

          Many people say “Thank You” after an event is over for the good time they had, let’s show our appreciation to ride leaders by this small gesture of participating in the Ride List.

        • #9448 Reply

            Thank you Chris!

          • #9451 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              Thanks Chris for the reminder; well said!

              Since the ride list requires logging in with a specific link, it would be helpful for the “expert” to post that procedure here. I know it took me a few months of trial and error when I first joined the club to understand the process.

            • #9452 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Hey Eric,

                A big improvement was made several months ago by Rick C. You no longer need that Super Special Link.

                Go to the Ride List Link, in the upper left it asks for your “Member Name”, then push the button “Log into the Ride List:, that is all you need to log in.


                PS Again, not sure if a new member would need to use the “Sign up for the Ride List” at all anymore, perhaps we can remove that button on the drop down?

              • #9454 Reply
                Eric Wolf

                  Ooow, works like a charm!

                • #9469 Reply
                  Richard Catarineau

                    Yes, new members still need to sign up for the Ride List, which is a separate module all by itself. The best place to refer people for help is the “Members Guide” on the home page (below the picture).


                    P.S. It’s not a 3-month limit on posting rides. It’s just that 3 columns (for 3 rides) fits best.

                  • #9471 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      Thanks for the clarification Rick.

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