Ride List Kudos!

Ride List Kudos!

Forums Rides Ride List Kudos!

  • Creator
  • #10841 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Rick, want to give a big Well Done on the Ride List. Having 5 rides up there will make it a lot easier for the ride leader(s) to keep track of who is/isn’t going.

      That said, there are just over half of the Club members who are signed up on the Ride List. We want to strongly encourage all members to sign up on the Ride List and mark each ride at least Yes if you are planning to attend. If not, we will assume No.

      Thank you for your cooperation!

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    • Author
      • #10842 Reply
        Brandon Wilson

          Well said John!

          Sign up, even if it is a no, we reserve the right to give you a bad time regardless!

        • #10843 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Everyone says “Thank You” after rides to the ride leaders, try this folks, help us out Before the event by using the ride list to let us know if you are or are not coming. Thank YOU!

          • #10844 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              In case it’s not clear, the Ride List signup and web site Member signup are 2 different modules. After someone is a member on the site they have to manually add themselves to the Ride List module. This is better explained in the attached Member’s Guide.

              (Thanks Karl for the kudos)

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