Range of Lights Gypsy Tour – Ride Plan

Range of Lights Gypsy Tour – Ride Plan

Forums Rides Range of Lights Gypsy Tour – Ride Plan

  • Creator
  • #10928 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Hey South Coasters, this ride is a few weeks out. Seems like a small group on the ride list. Let us know by signing up if you plan on attending.
      I see Rick A, Perk, Jesse, as well as Sharon and I.
      We are planning on leaving early Friday morning to beat traffic, heat and get to Grass Valley in the afternoon to enjoy the area. If you are up for an early Friday morning departure and want to meet, we will be at the Starbucks in Castaic by 8am KSU. Let us know if you want to meet in Castaic and we will keep an eye out for you.
      If not we will see you in Grass Valley for this unique and fun ride!

    Viewing 14 reply threads
    • Author
      • #10930 Reply
        Rob Tripp

          I’m signed up for the ride. I’ll meet you in Castaic on Friday morning!


        • #10940 Reply
          Jessie Vaca

            I’ll meet you there
            is this the right address?
            31777 Castaic Rd, Castaic, CA 91384

          • #10941 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              That is correct Jesse, great 8am KSU.

            • #10943 Reply
              Karl Wagner

                Might any of you going on this ride have a club banner in your garage? It would be nice to represent the South Coasters at camp!

              • #10944 Reply
                Rob Tripp

                  I do not Have a banner. I’ll try to locate one.

                • #10946 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    Thanks Rob, but I found one at John Crittenden’s and will get it from him.

                    Represent! 🙂

                  • #10948 Reply
                    Rob Tripp

                      I also found it at John’s house. I live close to John and can arrange to pick it up, if that is more convenient for you.

                      Let me know.

                    • #10949 Reply
                      Karl Wagner

                        Tanks Rob, but I have it arranged. Good effort!

                      • #10954 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          Jesse and Robb,

                          I was not planning on doing anything special route wise getting up to Sacramento and Grass Valley Friday next week. Just want to hit the fwy, lunch on the way and get into town early enough to set up camp and relax. If you have any routes you want to hit on the way up let us know.
                          Hwy 49 from Auburn to Grass Valley is nice and we can explore more in that area if we are running early.

                        • #10955 Reply
                          Rob Tripp

                            I’m supportive of your route plans. It’s all good!


                          • #10956 Reply
                            Jessie Vaca

                              Im good with the plan

                            • #10958 Reply
                              Karl Wagner

                                Ok Jesse and Rob,
                                Will leave Castaic at 8am and it is 260 miles up the 5 fwy to Patterson. There is a good barbecue place in Patterson for lunch. After lunch and gas we can head up the last 2-1/2 hours to Grass Valley.

                              • #10983 Reply
                                Karl Wagner

                                  Two days from now we will be heading North to ride the No Calif Range of Lights ride along with four other South Coasters, have heard so much about this ride, the uniqueness of the Gypsy Tour format, the great routes they plan, and the oh yes, how long is the last leg home Monday…. :0

                                  Two days of work, packing and then we are off….. going to be fun! See you in Castaic Rob and Jesse! See you in Grass Valley Perk and Bill!


                                • #10999 Reply
                                  Rob Tripp

                                    Ready to roll!

                                  • #11000 Reply
                                    Bill Allen

                                      Bill is out. He spent his vacation time in El Paso holding his sister’s hand while she had back surgery. I am planning to make the Airhead’s campout in Kings Canyon the following weekend.

                                      Have a great time!

                                      Post selfies on FB!

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