Past Presidents Breakfast

Past Presidents Breakfast

Forums Rides Past Presidents Breakfast

  • Creator
  • #7213 Reply
    John Crittenden

      We are set for February 11 at Rainbow Oaks Restaurant, Rainbow, CA, at 9:30 a.m.      Please let me know, via a reply here or the Ride List if you will be attending, as I need to get a somewhat accurate count 2-3 days prior.

      This will be the South Coast tribute and thanks to Past Presidents and spouses for their time, goodliness, and efforts in making this Club the best around!

      I will also put together a ride for after.  Details to come.


    Viewing 13 reply threads
    • Author
      • #7217 Reply

          I plan to attend

        • #7218 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Save seats for Karen & I please.

          • #7221 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Hi John, at least one of us will be there. Anyone interested in finding some trails in that area or on the way back north, let me know.

            • #7222 Reply
              Chris Roady

                Sorry to say I will be out of State on this date John.

              • #7223 Reply
                Larry Troffer

                  I plan to go.

                • #7225 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    Yeah, the Troffer’s are back in town!!! 🙂

                  • #7230 Reply
                    Jessie Vaca

                      I plan on going

                    • #7447 Reply
                      Paul Nelson

                        I plan to go.🏍

                      • #7448 Reply
                        Danny Wassenaar

                          Elaine & I plan to be there. Pls save 2 1/2 seats for us.

                        • #7449 Reply
                          Adam Ray

                            Unfortunately I’m unable to attend. See you in Borrego springs.

                          • #7450 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              That is funny Danny….. for three seconds I thought Elaine was pregnant…. 😮

                            • #7451 Reply
                              John Crittenden

                                I confirmed with Rainbow Oaks today. Jonelle will seat us outside (room for 20). More than 20 will be seated nearby.

                              • #7452 Reply
                                Bill Reitz

                                  If anyone would like to take a little ride after the Presidents Breakfast I threw together two routes, one to Bates Nut Farm and one home from there by Lilac Rd & De Luz Rd. Attached are the GPX files. About 25 miles to Bates and 95 to Ortega & Antonio. I added the third route, to Jerry’s Dog’s, because I heard from a real hot dog authority that the food is good. This place is north on Antonio about two miles from Ortega.

                                • #7456 Reply
                                  Bill Reitz

                                    Karen & I got home at 3:30. Thanks to all that made the ride to Bates Nut Farm. The roads were fun and the weather was good.

                                    Thanks to President Crittenden for setting up Rainbow Oaks for breakfast. It’s been a while since I was there but still good.

                                Viewing 13 reply threads
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