Palomar Ride  17 December

Palomar Ride 17 December

Forums Rides Palomar Ride 17 December

  • Creator
  • #6988 Reply
    John Crittenden
      • Breakfast at 08:00 @ Hunny’s.     31253 Riverside Dr.  Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
      • AOB (Ass On Bike) 09:00
      • Light snack Mothers at Mount Palomar
      • Late Lunch and Motorcycle Collection Viewing @ Doffo Winery 2 PM-3PM

      I need to get an approximate count of how many people are attending for Doffo and lunch!




    Viewing 12 reply threads
    • Author
      • #6997 Reply
        John Crittenden

          I also asked Rick C. to put this on the Ride List.

        • #7026 Reply
          Mark Borgeson

            I’m going, not sure about Cindy. I’m on the ride list too.

          • #7037 Reply
            Troy Stone

              Michele and Troy are in..Hope were are not too late??

            • #7044 Reply
              mark nagel

                I plan on going
                Mark Nagel

              • #7047 Reply
                Jessie Vaca

                  Thanks to everyone who plans on attending this ride and thank you for letting us know.

                • #7065 Reply
                  Ron Zablocki

                    I’m planning on going as well. Has the route been planned yet?

                  • #7072 Reply
                    Jessie Vaca

                      Yes, I have a route and will post as soon as I figure out how to do it!

                    • #7073 Reply
                      Jessie Vaca

                        Good morning everyone. I hope this works. This is the route for Sundays Ride starting at Hunny’s for breakfast at 08:00 in Lake Elsinore, going around Mount Palomar and ending at Doffo Winery. Doffo has a nice selection of motorcycles on display as well as a great selection of wine for your Christmas shopping needs. They will also have some authentic Argentinean empanadas as well as some other selections. The plan is to arrive at Doffo between 14:00-14:30 for a late and relaxed lunch, please join us for lunch if you can’t make the entire ride! See you all on Sunday!


                        Click here for the route in MyRoute, or copy and paste the above address into a browser.

                      • #7077 Reply
                        Tony Tang

                          I will going.

                        • #7078 Reply
                          Jacob Furgatch

                            Is it too late to join the ride? My Sunday has freed up.

                          • #7079 Reply
                            Jessie Vaca

                              Jacob, there is always room for you. Please join us on Sunday!

                            • #7080 Reply
                              David Omlor

                                Jessie – Thank you for the MyRouteApp link! Very good – easy to see and use.
                                If the home remodeling delays my riding to Palomar, I will try to get to Doffo’s for lunch with y’all.
                                – David

                              • #7081 Reply
                                Jessie Vaca

                                  Thank you Dave, see you on Sunday

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                              Reply To: Palomar Ride 17 December

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