New Year's Day Ride

New Year's Day Ride

Forums Rides New Year's Day Ride

  • Creator
  • #9360 Reply
    Larry Troffer

      I’m going for a ride on Tuesday, January 1st. If anyone wants to go along, I will leave at 9:00 from Starbucks at Ortega Highway and Antonio Parkway intersection (in Sendero Marketplace). Lunch around noon somewhere along the way, probably Wynola Pizza a few miles from Julian. Back in south Orange County around 3:00. If interested, reply to this post, or just show up, ready to roll at 9:00.

    Viewing 13 reply threads
    • Author
      • #9361 Reply
        David Omlor

          If I “recover” from Monday night’s NY party, I’ll be there. Always a treat to ride with Larry.

        • #9365 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Sounds good Larry, can two “mature adults” ride with you ??

          • #9366 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Wish we could make it, great way to start off a New Year, have a good ride!

            • #9367 Reply
              Larry Troffer

                Bill, two mature adults will be a welcome addition, so long as I don’t have to become mature myself.

              • #9368 Reply
                Bill Allen

                  Note: this does not add to the mature adult head count.

                • #9369 Reply
                  Bill Reitz

                    Alan De Carr (new member) & I are in, not sure about Karen. She said I could go on a guys ride.

                  • #9370 Reply
                    Bill Allen

                      I must have scared her away, Bill.

                    • #9371 Reply
                      Larry Troffer

                        The weather guessers think conditions at Wynola may be nasty Tuesday. I’m going for a ride. If it’s bad where I want to go, we’ll try somewhere else. How about Breckinridge Road?

                      • #9372 Reply
                        David Omlor

                          Breckinridge Road? Sounds like FUN!

                        • #9375 Reply

                            Have a great ride and a great New Year.

                          • #9376 Reply
                            Bill Allen

                              Thanks for the invite, Larry.

                              I had a great time!

                            • #9377 Reply
                              David Omlor

                                GREAT first ride of the New Year! Thank you Larry for the interesting routes.

                              • #9378 Reply
                                Ron Zablocki

                                  I need to start checking this forum more often – I was free for a New Year’s Day ride. 😟

                                  But on a side note – Happy New Year everyone! 🤗

                                • #9382 Reply
                                  Bill Reitz

                                    Thanks soooo much Larry for putting this ride together. It brought back memories of the 2015 Kernville Ride over Breckinridge Road and the ICE FOLLIES. After riding in 37 degrees for awhile 56 degrees felt REAL nice going home.

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