Morro Bay Ride 2022

Morro Bay Ride 2022

Forums Rides Morro Bay Ride 2022

  • Creator
  • #15956 Reply
    Harry Hoffman

      Hi to all South Coasters!

      1) This is the Morro Bay “cool” riding tour. Hopefully cooler weather than our past August rides. If the temperatures are below 100 degrees, we were successful. For those who are riding, we will offer iced coffee/tea and fluel stops, snap some pictures and remove helmets along the way.

      2) Take note of dates. This ride is from SATURDAY, August 13 – MONDAY, August 15. By changing the dates, we save a good amount of money ($80), due to staying over Sunday night. We should also benefit from lesser traffic, as well.

      3) Occomodations: This is most THE most important item to take care of now. I placed my name on 3 Queen, double occupancy rooms, and 1 King room at Sea Cliff Golf Resort. They are almost full, so reservations are limited. If the hotel is fully booked, there are other options nearby, and I will share that with you. I have an open queen bed to split the room expense. First person who asks me, gets it.

      – To stay at the Sea Cliff, call/text me with your room preference 657-600-5555, so I can call the resort and add your name to my Blocked-Reserved rooms. After that, call the resort so that you can secure your room with a credit card. Sea Pine Golf Resort 805-528-5252.
      Members have stayed here previously, the experience, cleanliness, food, etc., was a positive one.

      4) I will post KSU time and place, and GPX files of the route soon. On Saturday, we will take our lunch stop at Cold Springs Tavern, then head up to Los Osos.

      5) Group riding is optional. Some like to ride with the group, and others don’t. Do what you prefer to do and see you there!

      6) If you do your personal choice route, the milage contest actuals will be the published miles from the GPX.

7) Weather this time of year can be interesting. Wear light/Summer gear and have water on hand. A Camelback, Platapus, or equalent will do the trick.

      Stay tuned to the rider thread for more details. I look forward to our coastal, club ride.

      Harry H.

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    • Author
      • #15957 Reply
        Harry Hoffman

          Signing up:
          – While our website is under an upgrade, you may sign up by the following methods:

          Perferred method: South Coaster’s FaceBook page, under Events. (copy or click link below).

          Second method (non-FaceBook/Meta users): Add your name and/or significant other joining you here on the thread. You may also sign up on the Ride List to get brownie points. Ha!

          Thanks ya’ll.

        • #15970 Reply
          Henry Salari

            For those who would like to test the current registration system, please try to register here:

            Goat Moto Tours -

          • #15979 Reply
            Willis Ho

              Hi Harry,

              I like to share a queen room for the ride.

              Thanks for the offer!


              • #15980 Reply
                Harry Hoffman

                  Hi Willis,
                  That’s great news that you will be joining us!
                  Carl T. has already approached me to share my room, so that spot is taken.

                  I will gladly pass along your offer to share your room with another member. The FaceBook page shows several “Interested and Going” members, so I am sure we will be able to pair us all up.

                  When you do find a roommate, please let me know so that I can work on the next room pairing.

                  Thanks 🙂

              • #15991 Reply
                Harry Hoffman

                  An annoucement to all members:

                  The cutoff date to secure your “blocked room” at Sea Pines Resort is Tuesday, August 9th. The following day, I will release any leftover rooms back to the resort to avoid room charges. Kindly let me know if you will be reserving your room at the Sea Pines Resort before that date.

                  Thank you 🙂

                • #16116 Reply
                  Julito Antolin

                    I’ve attached a Day ride that Howard, Henry, John and I did during the BMW Getaway to Los Osos (Sea Pines) on 5/14. It was about 250 miles over about 6.5 hours including a long lunch stop at the Parkfield Inn. There’s some G1 and G2 class Butler roads all along this route. You can take a short dirt section up the Parkfield Grade after lunch, or take paved road(Vineyard Canyon Road) bag to intersect Indian Valley Road as you go about this route Counter-Clockwise. Hope it helps!

                  • #16141 Reply
                    Gary Felkel

                      Hi Willis

                      I have a double green room with an open spot if you are interested. If not I can pass it on to someone else.

                      Gary Felkel

                      • #16143 Reply
                        Willis Ho

                          Thanks for the offer, I already made a reservation with Howard B.

                          Thank you, Willis

                      • #16144 Reply
                        Gary Felkel

                          I have a double queen room to share. Let me know.

                          Gary Felkel

                        • #16654 Reply
                          Harry Hoffman

                            GPX files for Morro Bay, August, 2022.

                            Ride start on Saturday, August 13.

                            7:00 AM. Breakfast at Schooner or Later, 241 Marina Dr, Long Beach, 90803.

                            8:30 AM.  KSU.

                          • #16756 Reply
                            Pete Rissman

                              Well, I couldn’t go on the Morro Bay ride due to some obligations, but I was able to go to Scooner or Later to see them off. Below you’ll find one of the drone photos I took before they left. It’s Harry holding the pre-ride briefing.

                              I’m saving the good ones for the newsletter.

                              And no, Harry’s briefing didn’t suck. 😉


                              • #16849 Reply

                                  Very nice pic Pete and couldn’t wait to see the rest, awesome work

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