MOA National Rally club ride

MOA National Rally club ride

Forums Rides MOA National Rally club ride

  • Creator
  • #11666 Reply
    David Eastly

      Hey South Coasters, here is a preliminary route for our 2020 MOA Rally trip.

      We’ll be visiting at least six national parks, so you should probably purchase an annual pass beforehand.<span class=”Apple-converted-space”> </span>

      The MOA is offering an early bird registration discount.<span class=”Apple-converted-space”> </span>

      Most stops will have a hotel option. I’ll provide a list later.<span class=”Apple-converted-space”> </span>

      If you want to stay at the rally site to avoid post beer garden riding, the Sherpa Packer offers a cool option. I used them in Billings, and it worked out fine. Not cheap, but very comfortable and convenient.

      Saturday 6/20 Day 1, Flo’s Chino – Hurricane UT 375 miles of slabbing.

      Sunday 6/21 Day 2, Hurricane UT – Torrey UT via Zion, Bryce, Escalante 215 miles.

      Monday 6/22 Day 3 Torrey UT -Logan UT via Capitol Reef and Fishlake 342 miles.

      Tuesday 6/23 Day 4 Logan UT – Yellowstone National Park WY via Bear Lake and Jackson 288 miles.

      Wednesday 6/24 Day 5 Yellowstone WY – Bozeman MT via Beartooth Hwy and Red Lodge.

      Thursday 6/25 Bozeman – Great Falls (The Rally) 190 miles. We’ll get an early start for an afternoon Rally arrival.

      Friday -Saturday 6/26-27 – Rally fun!

      Sunday 6/28 Great Falls MT – Whitefish MT via Going To The Sun Road/Glacier Nat Park, traveling East to West.

      Monday 6/29 Whitefish MT – Kooskia ID (or somewhere nearby)<span class=”Apple-converted-space”>  </span>via Lolo Pass 280 miles.

      Tuesday 6/30 Kooskia ID – Burns OR 324 miles.

      Wednesday 7/1 Burns OR – Reno NV 364 miles.

      Thursday 7/2 Reno NV – either Lee Vining to Tioga Pass,<span class=”Apple-converted-space”>  </span>or Kennedy Meadows to Sonora Pass, via Markleeville and Monitor Pass. Aproximately 250 miles.

      Friday – 7/3 Wherever we are – Home ? 450 miles.

      This is just a draft. We’ll be riding some of the best roads in the western states! If you can’t do all of it, do some and meet up – split off when your schedule permits.

      More to follow. I’m already packing!!

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    • Author
      • #11668 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Ready too!

        • #11669 Reply
          Rob Tripp

            FYI, if hoteling it, Yellowstone is quite filled up for the 23rd. As of today, there are a couple rooms left at the Yellowstone Lake Hotel. Kellie and I booked a room @ $400 per night, ouch! All other park hotels are full.

            Jackson Lake in the Tetons has some hotels available rooms and cabin options.

          • #11670 Reply
            Rob Tripp

              Below are the hotels Kellie and I will be staying it….

              – Hurricane: Fairfield In Zion, Virgin UT. About 9mi outside of Hurricane. $
              – Torrey: Capitol Reef Resort $$$
              – Logan: Springhill Suites $$
              – Yellowstone: Yellowstone Lake Hotel $$$$; filling up fast!!!!
              – Bozeman: Element, in the historic district. a bit pricy $$$$. Used my Marriott points.
              – Great Falls: SpringHill Great Falls (1/2 mi to Expo Park). $$
              – Whitefish: TownPlace Inn $$
              – remaining trip: TBD.

            • #11674 Reply
              Mark Borgeson

                This is going to be an epic trip!!!

              • #11675 Reply

                  We are going to the rally thru different route and pull in to great falls on same date, still debate on return route and we may join southcoasters.

                • #11683 Reply
                  Eric Wolf

                    You rock! This looks great.

                  • #11689 Reply
                    Joe Alwan

                      For those hoteling, I found another Yellowstone option. I got a room at Grant Village for $277. Still expensive and not nearly as nice as the Yellowstone Lake Hotel, but also not $400! Looks to me like Grant Village is along the route, about 23 miles and 35 minutes before you’d reach the Yellowstone Lake Hotel

                    • #11748 Reply
                      David Eastly

                        Hey South Coasters, campsite reservations are going fast for Yellowstone on our proposed stop on Tuesday 6/23. Please let me know by signing up on the ride list so I can reserve a space or two. Thanks!

                      • #11749 Reply
                        Eric Wolf

                          Hey David,
                          Count me in. I just signed up on the ride list. Please reserve a spot for me.

                        • #11764 Reply
                          Bill Schimko

                            OMG !!!! You all are above my pay grade, I hate to sound like a cheap and poor SOB (which I probably am), but you all are more healthy, stronger, and richer than me, I think day 1 Mesquite cheap casino/hotel room is more my speed, day 2 drive up the gut of Utah, maybe find a dive motel in SLC, or beyond, DAY 3 super slap into or close to MOA site. this poor man itinerary is more my speed (and budget). but !!!!! I’LL SEE YOU THERE.

                          • #11765 Reply
                            Bill Allen

                              Dave – Is the Beartooth Highway open in June?
                              There is a reason the Beartooth Rendezvous is held in August:


                              Should also check Glacier National Park.
                              Better to be safe than sorry.
                              I’m thinking about going through Bishop, Boise, Missoula (via Lolo). Not sure about intermediate points yet, but no (or few) “I” roads, camping, ~10 days round trip.

                            • #11766 Reply
                              Bill Allen

                                Chris – Doesn’t the club have a couple of easy ups?

                              • #11773 Reply
                                Chris Roady

                                  Negtive Bill .. unless one of the members have them (same story with the club banners … only the one large SCBMWRC banner is in club storage … the rest are MIA). My house is the temporary club storage facility while the construction is under way at Irv Seavers, and there aren’t any easy ups in the mix. There “were” a couple of plastic tarps with eyelets that I assume were once used as canopies, but unfortunately they did not age as well as you or I did and have been discarded.

                                • #11778 Reply
                                  John Crittenden

                                    I am now signed up officially on the Ride List for camping!

                                  • #11830 Reply
                                    Joe Alwan

                                      Got the early bird rally registration today! Available for 2 more days (thru Feb 15), then the price goes up.

                                      Also got one of the Sherpa tent sites at the rally – looking forward to seeing what that’s like!

                                      And, I have 2 easy-ups that we could use.

                                    • #11880 Reply
                                      David Eastly

                                        Hey South Coasters, It’s probably time to reserve group campsites in both Yellowstone and the at the MOA Rally site. Who’s camping at Yellowstone (6/23) and Great Falls (6/15-27)?

                                      • #12093 Reply
                                        David Eastly

                                          Most of the Yellowstone campgrounds are already full! I booked two large tent sites (hopefully adjacent) for June 23 at the Madison campground. Due to road closures this is the better location for our route, and we’ll pass by Old Faithful on the way!

                                        • #12100 Reply
                                          Karl Wagner

                                            Thanks for leading this group David E, you guys are going to have a great ride up!

                                          • #12247 Reply
                                            David Eastly

                                              I just got the sad but not unexpected news that the National MOA Rally in Great Falls has been postponed to June 24-27 2021, still to be held in Great Falls. Stay safe, South Coasters!

                                            • #12248 Reply
                                              Karl Wagner

                                                Sad as you say David, but somewhat expected….. Very glad to hear it will still be in Great Falls in 2021!

                                              • #12265 Reply
                                                Chris Roady

                                                  Holy Cow … I had no idea the Sturgis Rally generated this kind of revenue. It was documented in the MOA Rally forum in the context of criteria factored in when deciding if to cancel or postpone the rally.

                                                  Impact of the Rally
                                                  The City of Sturgis hosts the state’s single largest tourism event.
                                                  The 79th Annual Rally generated the following:
                                                  $655,090,000 of direct spending by visitors
                                                  $65,509,000 in additional indirect spending
                                                  $615,116 in funding for local non-profit and charitable organizations
                                                  $1,165,688 in net profit to the City of Sturgis
                                                  In 2014, the City’s SIP resident survey indicated 15% of residents rent their homes, 6% rent their yards and 22% work a Rally job – 43% of our residents are a part of the Rally
                                                  This income is generally 5-15% of a household’s annual income

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