Memorial Day weekend

Memorial Day weekend

Forums Rides Memorial Day weekend

  • Creator
  • #10241 Reply
    Jessie Vaca

      Looking for ideas for a memorial day weekend
      Friday to Sunday or Monday, any ideas, anyone want to join me?

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    • Author
      • #10242 Reply
        Bill Reitz

          I try to stay off the highways and close to home for Memorial Day weekend. The first weekend of summer and EVERYONE is on the roads racing to a destination. But that’s just me…..

        • #10251 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Shoot Jessie, come to the 49er Rally in Mariposa with us!!!! The western Sierra between here and there, and beyond, are some awesome roads!!! You can get a room on Oakhurst, 20 minutes form the rally site if you can’t find anything in Mariposa!

          • #10254 Reply
            Jessie Vaca

              Hey Karl, that is exactly what I am thinking. I already booked a Best Western, in Merced. Anything closer was either not available or too expensive. See you there!

            • #10258 Reply
              Ron Zablocki

                Not if I see you first! 😜

              • #10260 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Merced???? Well that is 45 minutes of hot mostly flat riding. Was nothing available in Oakhurst? A 35 minute drive along mountain roads.

                  Either way, will be good to see you there! (After I see Brandon of course!)

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