Kernville Ride

Kernville Ride

Forums Rides Kernville Ride

  • Creator
  • #3354 Reply
    Dale Sprosty

      The Kernville overnight ride has been posted to the club calendar. I have reserved 10 rooms at the Kernville Inn for the nights of the 14th and 15th of October. Contact the Kernville Inn to secure room out of our reserved block of 10. The rooms are reserved to my credit card under “The South Coasters”. We have secured a 10% discount for group rates as well. Routes will be posted as we get closer to the date. Any questions please contact me. Additional information listed on the calendar.

    Viewing 45 reply threads
    • Author
      • #3356 Reply
        Steve Leo

          The Leo’s will not be able to attend this year. We will be out of the country.

        • #3417 Reply
          Michael Pirosh

            I’very reserved my room. No ice capades this time, o.k.?

          • #3427 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              Rick & Lisa have reserved a room.

              Breckenridge or bust!

              (Maybe Breckenridge AND bust)

            • #3556 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                Karen & Bill are in for this ride, got our room reserved. Gotta see what the rest of Breckenridge Road looks like cause we were soooo close last year !!

              • #3557 Reply
                David Omlor

                  Room is reserved. Looking forward to another great Kernville weekend. Thank you to the board and Dale as ride leader!
                  – David

                • #3594 Reply
                  Dale Sprosty

                    I was in Kernville this weekend and had a great time riding a few of the roads we will be on in Oct. More to come on that later. There still 3 rooms left of the block I reserved. They are listed under the South Coast BMW Riders Club. If you are planning to attend please contact the Kernville Inn (See calendar for contact info) to reserve one before they are gone.

                  • #3601 Reply
                    Bill Reitz

                      Hey Dale, did you ride to the Sherman Pass Overlook ?? Really pretty up there.

                    • #3602 Reply
                      Dale Sprosty

                        I did Bill. Trail of the 100 Giants as well. Came back on 178 along the Kern River. So many roads so little time!

                      • #3605 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          Very bummed we will not be able to make this…… 🙁
                          But celebrating 30 years with the bride of my youth is fine reason! 🙂

                        • #3606 Reply
                          Bill Reitz

                            Come on Karl, what could be more romantic than an intimate weekend in Kernville and dinner at a small Italian restaurant with friends ???

                          • #3607 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              I tried that Bill, it was ok for our 28th and 29th……but something about this year! :0

                            • #3614 Reply
                              Dale Sprosty

                                Will miss you two Karl!! Right reason! There will be other rides. There won’t be another Sharon!!

                              • #3615 Reply
                                Karl Wagner

                                  Big thumbs up!

                                • #3624 Reply
                                  John Crittenden

                                    Yes, will miss you two, totally understand!

                                  • #3677 Reply
                                    Dale Sprosty

                                      I just checked with the Kernville Inn (760) 376 3735 this afternoon and there are still 2 rooms reserved under the SCBMWRC name for the October Kernville ride. I will have to cancel those rooms on Sept. 14th or I will be charged for the rooms. If you are planning to attend please move the room under your name with your credit card. They still have rooms available besides these 2 so if there are additional people (beyond these 2) that would like to attend they have availability. Please let me know if you do in fact take one of the 2 rooms available.

                                    • #3678 Reply

                                        Booked 1 room. Thanks Dale.

                                      • #3684 Reply
                                        Roberto Giraldes

                                          Hi Dale. I’ve just booked one room. Thank you.

                                        • #3685 Reply
                                          Dale Sprosty

                                            Thanks Roberto and Bikram. Anyone else needing rooms please secure directly from Kernville Inn. The rooms I pre booked are gone but there are still rooms available. I look forward to seeing everyone attending on the 14th. I will post routes in the next couple of weeks.

                                          • #3865 Reply
                                            John Crittenden

                                              Can all candidates for this Kernville weekend please sign up on the ride list? There’s only a few noted. So we know who is coming.


                                            • #3872 Reply

                                                I won’t be going on this ride, I cancelled my room.

                                              • #3944 Reply
                                                Dale Sprosty

                                                  I am looking forward to the Kernville club ride on the 14th of October. There will be 2 meet up locations. For thoser that want to meet in Orange county we will be leaving the Panera Bread location at the corner of Jamboree and Irvine Blvd at 7:30 am. KSU at 8:00 am for the ride up the 15 to Mountain Top Cafe. The address is:
                                                  7637 Highway 138
                                                  Phelan, Ca. 92371
                                                  (760) 249-4811
                                                  It is located right at the junction of the 138 and the 2. We will leave from this location at 10:00 am. See maps for routes. I am still looking at/working on the return route but will have that uploaded for all attendees this weekend. The weather forecast for the Kernville area that weekend is mid 70-80 degrees for all three days with no snow or rain forecasted. Should be beautiful this time of year.
                                                  I have dinner reservations Friday night at the That’s Italian Restaurant for the group. They did a great job last year for the large group we had and they are looking forward to seeing us again this year. We can decide as a group where we want to dine Saturday night and I will make the reservations when we get up there.
                                                  A special thank you to Bill Reitz for his input and map suggestions. Hopefully we can get all the way up Breckenridge in his and Karen’s honor. I look forward to seeing everyone on the 14th, if not before!!

                                                • #3952 Reply
                                                  Bill Reitz

                                                    Unfortunately Karen & I will not be going this year, DAMN !! Hope you all have a great time. On the Saturday ride to the BIG trees remember Bear Creek Rd is two way without a centerline for much of the way. There are a few places to pull over and wonder at the size of these Giant Sequoia’s. Look for the camp ground near a pond / lake and you can relax and walk around, even climb on a downed giant.

                                                  • #3954 Reply
                                                    Richard Catarineau

                                                      Add one more DAMN to Bill’s post. I’m still in FL for another week so I had to cancel my Kernville Inn reservation. Oh well, we’ll look forward to seeing you guys next trip.

                                                    • #3959 Reply
                                                      Vern Shrader

                                                        Robin and I will plan to meet the group at Mountain Top.
                                                        Vern & Robin Shrader

                                                      • #3960 Reply
                                                        David Omlor

                                                          Dale – I plan to meet you at 7:30 at the Jamboree/Irvine Blvd. Panera Bread.

                                                          Looking forward to this ride – always epic 🙂

                                                          – David

                                                        • #3962 Reply
                                                          Dale Sprosty

                                                            Attached is the Day 3 map for the Kernville ride. I have attached a GPX as well as TYR edition for those that prefer one over the other. None of these routes are etched in stone. We can decide what makes sense for everyone when we are there. I have the following individuals/couples listed as attending.
                                                            Danny and Elaine
                                                            David Omlor
                                                            Ralf Tuchmann
                                                            Vern and Robin
                                                            John and Beth Crittenden
                                                            Roberto Giraldes
                                                            Michael Pirosh
                                                            If I have missed anyone please let me know so we don’t take off and leave someone behind. I will also need to adjust dinner reservations for Friday night. Weather forecasts are calling for mid 70’s all weekend with no rain forecasted. The leaves should be beautiful this time of year as well. See all of those attending on Friday either at Panera Bread on the corner of Jamboree and Irvine Blvd or at the Mountain Top Cafe at 138 and the 2. KSU at Panera at 8:00am and 10:00 at Mountain Top Cafe.

                                                          • #3965 Reply
                                                            Roberto Giraldes

                                                              Hi Dale! I am going to meet you at Panera Bread.
                                                              Thank you.

                                                            • #3966 Reply
                                                              Dale Sprosty

                                                                Sounds good Roberto and Vern. Hopefully won’t need the snow tires this time around Vern! See you on Friday.

                                                              • #3967 Reply
                                                                John Crittenden

                                                                  And, I will meet y’all at Mountain Top.

                                                                • #3968 Reply
                                                                  Dale Sprosty

                                                                    Sounds good John! See you there. Is Beth coming?

                                                                  • #3969 Reply
                                                                    John Crittenden

                                                                      Undecided at this time! I’m not pushing her….

                                                                    • #3970 Reply
                                                                      Karl Wagner

                                                                        Have a great ride all, just playing around down under…..K&S

                                                                      • #3972 Reply
                                                                        Dale Sprosty

                                                                          Have fun Karl and Sharon and congrats on the anniversary!

                                                                        • #3973 Reply

                                                                            Dale, are you having breakfast at a Tustin Panera bread? I’ll see if I can join in for breakfast.

                                                                          • #3974 Reply
                                                                            Dale Sprosty

                                                                              I will be at the Panera bread on Jamboree at at the corner of Irvine Blvd. In the same shopping center as Ralph’s. Met you there once. I’ll be there about 7:oo am. Leaving at 8:00 am. Too bad you can’t make this ride Bikram.

                                                                            • #3975 Reply
                                                                              John Crittenden

                                                                                Beth will be coming, but we will be leaving a bit later in the morning. So, we’ll see you all at K.I.
                                                                                And Happy Anniversary, K & S!

                                                                              • #3976 Reply
                                                                                Dale Sprosty

                                                                                  There is still time to meet us at Mt. Top Cafe John. KSU at 10:00 am at that location. Glad to hear that Beth can make. Vern and Robin will be at Mt.Top Cafe as well. Either way see you guys tomorrow.

                                                                                • #3978 Reply
                                                                                  Roberto Giraldes

                                                                                    Thank you all guys for your kindness. Amazing people, amazing roads, amazing places. Amazing everything. Thanks again.

                                                                                  • #3979 Reply
                                                                                    John Crittenden

                                                                                      Roberto, we are very glad you were there! Hopefully, you can put up with us on further adventures!

                                                                                      Dale, thanks for putting this weekend all together. Appreciate it muchly! (Except for the nasty winds that hit us in the desert east of Lancaster).

                                                                                    • #3980 Reply
                                                                                      Dale Sprosty

                                                                                        We had a great weekend ride to Kernville. Weather was fantastic, roads were even better, and the company was the best part of all. I will write up a ride recap for the newsletter. In the meantime here are a few videos that you might like from the ride.

                                                                                        If you have trouble with these links please type in dsprosty on the search bar in youtube and it should take you to these videos.

                                                                                      • #3981 Reply
                                                                                        Roberto Giraldes

                                                                                          Thank you so much John. I hope so. Thanks for the videos Dale.

                                                                                        • #3982 Reply
                                                                                          Mark Borgeson

                                                                                            Looks like it was a lot of fun. Wish I could have gone.
                                                                                            Please send your favorite photos of the trip to [email protected]

                                                                                          • #3983 Reply
                                                                                            Danny Wassenaar

                                                                                              GREAT WEEKEND! Thank you again Dale for being the ride leader this trip. Awesome job! The bar was set high given all the prep work & leadership you did. The routes, meals, videos, RSVPs, ride mtgs, even the weather…was all due to the good planning on your part. Some of us even ventured “off road” as the picture of you shows to check out the redwoods at Balch Park. Looking forward to the write up. -D&E

                                                                                            • #3986 Reply
                                                                                              David Omlor

                                                                                                Botanically speaking, a fruit is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant, whereas vegetables are all other plant parts, such as roots, leaves and stems. … This includes such botanical fruits as eggplants, bell peppers and tomatoes.Jun 12, 2012
                                                                                                What’s the Difference Between a Fruit and a Vegetable? – Live Science

                                                                                                If you were on the ride, you know why this is posted!

                                                                                              • #4217 Reply
                                                                                                Dale Sprosty

                                                                                                  Those that were on the Kernville ride please get your photos uploaded to Mark B to add to the gallery. I know a number of you took some very good photos over the weekend.



                                                                                                • #4219 Reply
                                                                                                  Mark Borgeson

                                                                                                    You can also give me your photos on a thumb drive at the next club meeting. I’ll copy them during the meeting.

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