Chief Joseph Rally

Chief Joseph Rally

Forums Rides Chief Joseph Rally

  • Creator
  • #7997
    Karl Wagner

      Thought I would start a topic on the Chief Joseph Rally to share info.

      I understand the following South Coasters are attending this rally:

      Troy and Michelle Stone
      Karl and Sharon Wagner
      Chris Roady
      David Eastly
      Roberto Giraldes
      Steve Hughson
      Eric Wolf
      Mark Borgeson
      John Crittenden

      I know there are various travel dates/times and routes, but if anyone has a “must ride” road it would be great to share. I am reaching out to the Oregon club for any such recommendations West and East side of the state.

      Also, any chance we can plan on getting together Friday Night for dinner? Would be great to get a South Coaster pic at the rally and share ride up stories and recommendations.

      Remember, all member cell phone numbers are in the ride list if you need to get in contact with someone.

    Viewing 11 reply threads
    • Author
      • #8004
        Mark Borgeson

          Hey, what about me?

        • #8006
          Karl Wagner

            Opps…. of course, AND the honorable Mark Borgeson will be in the house!!!! Yeah!

            List above edited! 🙂

          • #8008
            John Crittenden

              There’s a chance I might be able to get up there also. Only Time will tell!

            • #8010
              Karl Wagner

                Hope it works out John, keep us posted!

              • #8016
                Steve Hughson

                  Friday eve dinner sounds great. Please count me in.

                • #8021
                  David Eastly

                    Friday night sounds great!

                  • #8023
                    John Crittenden

                      Hey! Who added my name to the list??? Oh, I did! I’m gonna treat Beth better than a Queen for the next couple of weeks!

                      I plan on going to Portland to visit the kids for a couple of days, then arrive Friday at CJR.

                    • #8026
                      Karl Wagner

                        Might anyone have one or two of the small South Coaster banners they can bring to the rally to fly? Or do you know where I can pick up? Thanks

                      • #8028
                        Mark Borgeson

                          Karl, I’m embarrassed but I have one of the SCBMWRC banners. I’ve had it since the last Pinnacles trip. I’ll bring it to the rally and pass it on to you.

                        • #8040
                          John Crittenden

                            I’ve got a small banner also, will bring it.

                            I’ve got a route in mind to take three days to go to Portland, and ultimately arrive at CJR on Friday, probably mid-day. Will take the Interstate along the Columbia River, thence a scenic route (per the AAA map) down to John Day. Am so looking forward to this 8-9 day trip!

                            Anybody have any particular plans for the ride home? Two days? Three days?

                          • #8044
                            Bill Reitz

                              Karl the South Coasters have two or three plastic storage boxes in the Seaver annex across the street. In those boxes are some of the small flags you’re asking about along with other Rally / Picnic stuff.

                            • #8045
                              Karl Wagner

                                Thanks for the responses on the banners.

                                Mark Borgeson and John Crittenden, please bring your banners to the rally, that would save us the trip to through the stuff at the shop.

                                Bill R, the boxes I understand have been consolidated and moved from the annex by Seavers staff. It would be good to go through those and see what is there, pair down or fill any gaps. Maybee as part of the picnic planning??

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