BMWMOA Cedar City Getaway 9/23 to 25/2016

BMWMOA Cedar City Getaway 9/23 to 25/2016

Forums Rides BMWMOA Cedar City Getaway 9/23 to 25/2016

  • Creator
  • #1112 Reply
    Bill Reitz

      Mike Romo is the contact and will be camping on the North Rim after this event for a few days. He wants company. The MOA returns to southern Utah from September 23-25, 2016 for the eighth time this fall to host this event in our most popular Getaway destination and share our passion for riding motorcycles. So many natural wonders to see in the area.

      Register after April 1, 2016

      Cedar City Getaway Calendar Event

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    • Author
      • #1124 Reply
        David Omlor

          I will add this camping opportunity to my calendar. I am looking forward to this special trip!

        • #1125 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            David, remember to contact Mike Romo. The Cedar City Getaway is a motel event (see for info). Mike is camping AFTER he goes to the Getaway.

          • #1132 Reply
            Mike Romo

              Glad to hear that you’re interested Dave. I will be making
              the reservation on March 1,I’ll post the results. Yes, Friday, Saturday nites are motel nites, the camping begins on Sunday.Saturday nite the MOA hosts the dinner, which was Steak and salmon. Last year I took MREs for my camping dinner and breakfast. The space savings weren’t that great, I’ll probably cook this time.

            • #1328 Reply
              Mike Romo

                Today I made the reservation at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon NP. I opted for the group site. The reservation is for 2 nights, entering Sept. 25 and leaving Sept. 27 a.m.
                The reservation is for a maximum of 3 vehicles.
                It’s on.

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