• Creator
  • #18402 Reply
    Steve Leo


      By popular demand we are going back to Kernville!! Join us for a 3-day ride into the Sierras on June 23 – 25, 2023. We will depart from Panera Bread in La Canada on Friday morning with an 8:30am meet-up and 9:00am KSU. We have both hotel and camping available.
      For the campers we have two sites reserved at Franzy Campground which is just across the river from downtown Kernville. Each site will hold 4 tents and 4 bikes each. We can reserve more sites if these fill up quickly. The cost is $45.00 per night per site which will be split between the campers. Contact Steve Leo, [email protected] 562-547-9092 to reserve your camping spot.

      We have reserved 12 rooms at the Kernville Inn, our favorite spot in Kernville, right on the square. We have 6 rooms with 2 double beds in each room ($159.00 per night + tax), 4 rooms with a king bed ($149.00 + tax) and 2 rooms with a queen bed ($139.00+ tax). Please call the Kernville Inn to block your room. You will need to give them a credit card for the first night’s cost to reserve your room. The block of rooms is under SCBMWRC.
      Rooms are limited so be sure and sign up soon!
      Kernville Inn
      11042 Kernville Road
      Kernville, CA 93238

      We are adding a new feature to this ride – “Our Wives’ Carpool “. We are setting up a carpool program so your wives/girlfriends can join us for the evening parties on the lawn of the Kernville Inn, dinner at That’s Italian and live music and dancing across the square at the Kernville Saloon. We will be asking a few of the wives/girlfriends to drive to Kernville and back with other wives’/girlfriends as passengers. We will ask the wives joining in the carpool to share the gas expense for each car. We will organize sightseeing adventures on Saturday for the wives such as a visit to the Trail of 100 Giants. The key objective of this program is to bring the wives/girlfriends of our members together and to share our adventures with us. If your wife or girlfriend is interested in driving or riding along please contact Diane Brenes – [email protected] or Steve Leo – [email protected] .
      Sign up and join the PARTY

      GPX Routes will be posted at a later date.

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    • Author
      • #18420 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          We are in!

        • #18424 Reply
          Bill Allen

            Great job, Steve.

          • #18433 Reply
            Bill Reitz

              Karen & I are in, room 157

              • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Bill Reitz.
            • #18435 Reply
              Steve Leo


                Don’t forget to sign-up for the ride on the Kernville Party Ride Page. That is how we keep track of everyone going.

                This goes for everyone!!! Please sign up!!!

              • #18482 Reply
                Steve Leo

                  Update on 3 Day Kernville Party.  7 of the 12 rooms we have booked have already been spoken for. Only 5 rooms left in the block. Don’t wait if you’re planning on going…book your room!

                  Call the Kernville Inn – 760-376-2206

                • #19151 Reply
                  Steve Leo

                    Kernville Party Update

                    We currently have 16 bikes and 3 wives signed up. We also have 2 wives riding 2-up and 1 riding her own bike. We need more ladies to join us for the Party!!!   The Kernville Inn is sold out but they will put us on the waiting list for cancellations. If you want to go on the ride and need a room send me an email and I will put you on the wait list.

                    We still have 2 campsites reserved. Please let me now if you want a space as I will be cancelling the second campsite if we do not get more people signed up.

                    We have dinner reservations at That’s Italian for Saturday night at 7:00pm. Good news for breakfast…the Cracked Egg has moved and is now part of That’s Italian so there will be plenty of space for breakfasts. We also have Cheryl’s next door to the Kernville Inn for breakfasts.

                    We are waiting on setting the routes until we see what the snow situation is on Sherman Pass closer to the ride. We will probably send out the routes a week before the ride.

                  • #19157 Reply
                    Steve Leo

                      I have booked a 2 bedroom apartment with kitchen and living room 1 block from the Kernville Inn. Nice place and very reasonable – $110.77 per bedroom per night. Both rooms are available – if you are interested please give me a call – 562-547-9092 or email [email protected].

                    • #19453 Reply
                      Steve Leo

                        Gilbert Galvez is looking for someone to share the suite that I have reserved that is 1 block from the Kernville Inn. You would each have your own room and there is even a kitchen in the unit. It is at the end of the block down the street from Cheryl’s Diner and faces the river.  See the post above for the details and $.

                        Call Gilbert or me if you are interested – Steve – 562-547-9092  Gilbert 909-730-2655

                      • #19467 Reply
                        Gilbert Galvez

                          Is there someone who is planning to camp?


                        • #19469 Reply
                          Steve Leo

                            Ian Meyer and Pete Rissman are on the ride list and are planning on camping. I have two sites available so there is plenty of  room.

                          • #19797 Reply
                            Steve Leo

                              We are only 3 weeks away from the Kernville Party. We currently have 16 bikes registered for the ride. Here is the current itinerary:

                              9:00am Friday, June 23 Meet-up at Panera Bread in LaCanada/Flintridge

                              9:30am – KSU

                              11:30 – Lunch at the Keene Cafe – Exit 139 off Hwy 58

                              There will be 2 routes available for the ride from Keene to Kernville

                              1- the twisties – Caliente Bodfish Road up into the mountains

                              2- The Sweepers – Caliente Creek Rd through the valley

                              4:00 Hotel Check-In

                              On Your own for dinner

                              Saturday – 9:00am KSU for our ride – route is still in the works. We are confirming open roads for the ride

                              9:30am – Ladies depart on their visit to the Trail of 100 Giants and lunch at the Cowpunchers Cafe in Springville

                              6:00pm cocktails on the lawn at the Kernville Inn

                              7:00pm – Dinner at It;s Italian

                              Sunday – on your own for your ride home.

                              We have 3 rooms available in Kernville for Friday and Saturday night. Please contact me ASAP as we have to release them soon!!!  There are also camping spaces still available..

                            • #19805 Reply
                              Steve Leo

                                We have 2 rooms available at the Kernville Inn for Friday and Saturday nights of the ride. Call me if you are interested – 562-547-9092.

                              • #19814 Reply
                                Steve Leo


                                  We currently have 15 bikes registered.

                                  New fun route from Panera to Keene – no Hwy 14. We have 2 routes for Friday after lunch: Twisties and Sweepers – your choice

                                  2 routes for Saturday: Road closures are changing daily so we want to be ready so we have two routes. If some want to ride to Springville and some want to ride to Sherman Pass we will split up and do both routes – your choice

                                  1 – Johnsondale/California Hot Springs/Porterville/Springville – lreturn same route due to road closures. Lunch at Cowpunchers Cafe, Springville

                                  2 – 178/395 North/9 Mile Rd/Kennedy Meadows Rd/Sherman Pass Rd. Lunch at Grumpy Bears Retreat. If Sherman Pass is open we go over and down Kernville side. If it is not open we backtrack same way we came.

                                  GPX files attached

                                • #19877 Reply
                                  Pete Rissman

                                    The weather should be just right: Clear at night and sunny by day, temperatures from 51 to 80°F, wind 3-8 mph avg, no rain predicted. That’s the Kernville Saturday forecast. Friday is a couple degrees cooler and Sunday is a couple degrees warmer. Of course we can expect Sherman Pass to be significantly cooler.

                                    I’ve been suffering from a raging head cold since Friday evening, but I feel significantly better this evening than I did this morning and I can breathe through my nose again so I think I should be over it by Friday. Home-tested 3 times for COVID with fresh BinaxNOW kits and the results were all negative.

                                  • #19893 Reply
                                    Steve Leo

                                      We have updated the GPX files for the ride. Please use the GPX files attached here for our ride this weekend. There will only be one ride option on Saturday…Lunch at the Cowpuncher’s Cafe in Springville.

                                      Reminder – Meet-up at 8:30am with KSU at 9:00am Friday. Lunch at Keene Cafe – Exit 139 off of Hwy 58  just north of Tehachapi 11:30am.


                                    • #19990 Reply
                                      Ron Zablocki

                                        Thanks again to @steve for an awesome weekend!
                                        Made it home safe and sound with 560 round-trip miles on the odo.
                                        And thanks to @thatpete for the ice cream!

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