July South Coaster is HERE

July South Coaster is HERE

Forums Newsletters July South Coaster is HERE

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  • Author
    • #12777 Reply
      Joe Alwan

        Brandon – love the new format of the July South Coaster!

      • #12778 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Excellent! Liked the format and think the meet the BoD Members section was great too. Appreciate all the work you put into this every month Brandon.

        • #12779 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Very Nice Brandon, and thank you to the new board and volunteers for serving!
            I am just curious, did someong really get the club log embroidered on their Moto-Skiveze…wow that is club pride! 🙂

          • #12780 Reply
            Brandon Wilson

              Thanks guys. @karl, that was johns picture so let’s see. He a also had a mock-up of a mask but I ran out of space…

            • #12781 Reply
              John Crittenden

                Thanks, Brandon!

                And, yes, Karl, I spent hard-earned $ embroidering on my MotoSkivez that only a few select people see. Hee hee!

              • #12783 Reply
                Bill Allen

                  Karl Wagner – If you think embroidering skivvies is noteworthy, you should see where my SouthCoaster tattoo is!

                • #12789 Reply
                  Ron Zablocki

                    Wait, what?? Being on the BOD is volunteer work? Brandon said this was a high paying gig!

                  • #12799 Reply
                    Brandon Wilson

                      Haha @ron. That was when I was president.

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