Support Your Local M/C Club

Support Your Local M/C Club

Forums General Support Your Local M/C Club

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  • #11733 Reply
    Chris Roady

      This is an excellent article that touches on the importance of participation by members to maintain a clubs health.

      One of the key take aways for me was this paragraph:
      “Leadership turnover ensures the club won’t become stagnant and it also prevents Club Burnout. A system where officers serve a couple years then rotate out makes a lot of sense. Keep things fresh. Allow senior officers to “train-up” junior officers. This applies to presidents, secretaries, treasurers, and other positions. It also applies to
      key volunteers. Don’t count on just a handful of volunteers – develop scores of volunteers. Spread the load.”

      As we approach Club elections for new officers, I would ask all of you to please consider supporting YOUR club by allocating a few hours a month towards its growth and maintenance. On a personal note, I have served 3 years as a BOD member, a Vice President and currently have the honor of serving as your President. My plan is to heed the advice above and rotate out of my leadership role for the next term. I also know that a minimum of two additional members are rotating out due to professional and/or personal commitments.

      If you want your club to keep riding into the Roaring Twenties, the next steps are up to YOU:
      √ Attend meetings!
      √ Volunteer!
      √ Get involved!
      √ Serve as a club officer!
      √ Do something for your club!

      Please read the following article and consider supporting your club by serving in a leadership role .. new blood and new ideas are a key to us staying relevant and thriving.

      Chris Roady

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