RIDE LIST – Updated

RIDE LIST – Updated

Forums General RIDE LIST – Updated

  • Creator
  • #12590 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Hi Folks,

      To help ride leaders plan, please consider indicating your participation intention on the ride list. Thank you in advance!


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    • Author
      • #12613 Reply
        Jessie Vaca

          Hey Brandon, just wondering if the MOA Getaway in Los Osos is a club ride. I didn’t see it on the ride list but it is on our calendar and Eric talked about it on our Saturday during our virtual club meeting?

        • #12615 Reply
          John Crittenden

            Jessie, I put it on the Calendar. If we have a ride leader, can make it a Club ride.

          • #12624 Reply
            Eric Wolf

              I can lead the ride up on Friday and a Saturday ride. I can lead Sunday ride home if we want to stay together. Otherwise, every man for him self. I’m staying with mom in Pismo, 30 minutes away.

            • #12626 Reply
              Jessie Vaca

                Okay, I can lead the ride up, if anyone wants to join us!

              • #12637 Reply
                Brandon Wilson

                  Jessie, happy to add it, will require we drop the November ride on there. Limited space.

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