Recommendation on Smart Brake Lights

Recommendation on Smart Brake Lights

Forums General Recommendation on Smart Brake Lights

  • Creator
  • #11395 Reply
    Erasmo Brenes

      I’ve noticed that some of you have the aftermarket brake flashing LEDs. Can you provide feedback as to which
      brand and model you’re using and whether you’re happy with the results. I’m interested in adding this feature
      to my R12R but I see that there are several brands, like Weiser, Clearwater, Skeene, etc.

      Thanks for the feedback.

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    • Author
      • #11400 Reply
        David Eastly

          Hey Erasmo, I use the Clearwater “Billie” brake lights.

        • #11401 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            I like the clearwater light also, however the Weiser interests me in that you do not need to add another light but use the turn signal fixtures with LED bulb replacments. You get brighter turn signals and additional brake lights.

          • #11405 Reply
            Chris Roady

              I have the Skene .. same one for many years. no complaints and would buy it again.

            • #11406 Reply
              Erasmo Brenes

                Thanks for the feedback, guys.
                I’ve got a follow up question: Do you have the deceleration feature on your setup? Is there a minimum threshold
                on the speed before the system starts flashing?

              • #11407 Reply
                Mark Borgeson

                  I like the Billy Brake Light by Clearwater. It does flash on deaccelerating and has a few settings for its sensitivity. However, you also need a Can Opener to connect it to the BMW canbuss. $150 for each! If you already have Clearwater lights you’ll have their Can Opener. Otherwise it’s a bit pricy at $300 + shipping and tax.

                • #11408 Reply
                  Erasmo Brenes

                    Mark, thanks for the feedback. Yes, I noticed that on their website, although I couldn’t get much detail of
                    their “canopener” module (i.e. specs). Because of its total price, it is not really on my short list.

                    So, it looks like only the Skeene has the deceleration under a “reasonable” price of $185 + ship/tax.
                    The Weiser setup is $250 for the rear (which replaces the left/right lights with bright LEDS) or $450 for the
                    front and back setup (i.e. 4 sets of ultrabright LEDs). Unfortunately, it seems to lack the deceleration

                  • #11409 Reply
                    Jessie Vaca

                      Erasmo, I have the Skene on the scooter and had them on both my GS’s and I have the clearwater billie light on the bagger. I think both are good, the Skene may be a bit cheaper, the clearwater may be a bit more conspicuous

                    • #11417 Reply
                      Joe Alwan

                        Hey Erasmo, I have the Skene P3 lights. Very happy with them. I use their conspicuity flicker to make them more eye-catching. And I tied the tail-light on my top box into the Skene controller so that it flickers as well.

                        Skene didn’t have a deceleration option when I bought mine. So I bought a separate unit just for the decelerometer. The unit I bought was the VoloMOD from Volo Lights, which they don’t sell anymore. The VoloMOD does have a sensitivity setting.

                        If I were to do it again, I’d get the Skene lights with the decelerometer option. Much easier than setting up two controllers (Skene and VoloMOD).

                      • #11418 Reply
                        Erasmo Brenes

                          Joe, thanks for the feedback. This past weekend I got to see the Skeene (on Chris’) and the Billie Light (on Jesse’s). If I only go for the brake lights, I’m leaning towards the Skeene’s retina bursting LEDs. But if I also want to couple the directionals (both front and back), I’m looking at
                          the combination of ez Hexcan with Weiser Ultrabright LEDs. It is more money (~360) but it would have
                          the deceleration, flashing brakes, and the directionals used in combination with the brakes (front
                          directionals would be used as auxiliary lights)

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