Query re. Airheads

Query re. Airheads

Forums General Query re. Airheads

  • Creator
  • #7001 Reply
    John Crittenden

      This is from a (prospective member?), if any can point him in a good direction. Thanks!
      John C.

      Michael Giovanniello
      Email: [email protected]

      Message: Hello,
      I just moved to Southern California and I’ve never owned BMW. Other motorcycles, yes, but no BMWs no. I’ve been looking for a /5 toaster for a while and I haven’t had the best luck finding something that ticks all my boxes.
      I was hoping you (whoever is reading this) could point me in the right direction. Maybe it’s possible for you to make a post in one of your forums with my contact information?
      I’m not desperate, but I’m anxious to finally get a nice toaster. Also, I left my other bikes in New York and I’m without a vehicle here in LA. I don’t really NEED a vehicle in my life… but obviously life is way better on two wheels than on two feet.
      Thank you in advance for any help of advice you can send my way,
      [email protected]

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    • Author
      • #7008 Reply
        Jim Foreman

          You’re not in New York anymore, Michael. You certainly need a vehicle in your life. Probably more than one.
          Toaster tank airheads are rather rare. If you want one, check Craigslist in major metro areas and be prepared to fly in and either ride or arrange for transport back.
          Keep in mind that the newest or latest airhead is going to be at least 24 years old. You will most certainly need to be spending some money on it once you acquire it.
          Once the fantasy of living in LA LA Land wears off, you will probably want to ship your bikes over from New York or buy a modern bike here. ABS, and Traction Control can and will keep you upright and riding despite your best efforts to do the opposite.
          You may also wish to consider a 4-wheeler (car/truck) as you’ll find that in inclimate weather, Californians are amongst the worst in the nation. Even Motor Cops strongly urge you not to ride during rain.
          You asked for advice so this is a summary of my advice. Life on the left coast is vastly different from life in NYC. If you try to bully NYC living in SoCal, you will end up frustrated, broke, and ready to leap off a tall building. Relax, enjoy the nice weather, and try to learn a different way of thinking.
          P.S. Irv Seaver BMW has some spectacular 2017 models with all the safety features at never-to-be-seen-again Low Prices along with 0.0% APR Financing for qualified buyers.

        • #7010 Reply
          John Crittenden

            Jim, as Michael does not have access to the website forums, I will email this to him. (He is not a member, yet).

          • #7028 Reply
            Jim Foreman

              I figured you’d forward it to him. What was his reaction?


            • #7029 Reply
              John Crittenden

                He’s still gonna look for what he wants.

              • #7036 Reply
                Chris Roady

                  I assume you told him to save a search for what he wants on Craigs List also? I see them hit there every now and then .. it is where I found my ’72 R60/5. Of course Jim is correct about the time and money spent with an old bike (45 years in my case), but I couldn’t agree more with getting what checks the right boxes for you. I have had a blast working on and riding mine (just ask Wagner or Eastly) since purchasing it in August. A non-riding buddy asked me how it compared to my ’15 RT the other day and I told him my RT is twice the bike, but riding locally, the 60/5 is twice the fun!

                • #7038 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    I forwarded this to Michael, thanks, Chris.

                  • #7060 Reply
                    Chris Roady

                      Let Michael know he needs to be quicker on the draw … saw a 1973 75/5 in there on Wednesday that I couldn’t pass up 😳

                    • #7067 Reply
                      Chris Roady

                        Hey John, here’s a beauty … a little pricey and a fly & buy probably though.


                      • #8048 Reply
                        Chris Roady

                          this one looks nice John if your buddy is still in the market.https://orangecounty.craigslist.org/mcy/d/1970-bmw-r755/6613778777.html

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