Newsletter Editor!

Newsletter Editor!

Forums General Newsletter Editor!

  • Creator
  • #13953 Reply
    John Crittenden

      Howdy, All!   We’re on the hunt for anyone who would like to take over as SCBMWRC Newsletter  Editor!   Being Webmaster and Editor, as Brandon is doing, is a bit too much.   Brandon would like to remain as Webmaster.    For the Newsletter, just takes some computer skills and chasing up articles for the month, which mostly come from the Ride Leaders and sometimes random riders.   I certainly will help as much as I can, and Brandon promises a (unpaid) internship and mentoring.

      Please let me or Brandon know if you are interested.   This is relatively easy and a great way to contribute!

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    • Author
      • #13959 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Perhaps put this call out on FB and in the next newsletter as well … for some reason (FB is the culprit I speculate) our message board doesn’t seem to get many eyes on it. I check here fairly often due to having abandoned FB last year and am surprised how little our Message board gets utilized.

        • #13970 Reply
          John Crittenden

            Let’s see what we get. I can ask Bill R. to remind all who rely on FB that they need to check the website, as that is our main source of member communication, and I’d rather not put Club business on FB, if you know what I mean.

          • #13975 Reply
            Chris Roady

              Good point John.

            • #13980 Reply
              Harry Hoffman

                Hi John. I would like to fulfill the needs of the club’s Newsletter Editor. I believe I have the necessary skills and I would like to contribute to our fine club.
                Thank you for considering my application. 🙂

              • #14004 Reply
                Chris Roady

                  Way to step up Harry 👏🏼👏🏼

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