New Member

New Member

Forums General New Member

  • Creator
  • #5910 Reply
    John Crittenden

      We have another new member, Anthony Cambonga, with a location of March AFB.  Welcome, Anthony!

      I tried emailing but the email address we have bounces back.   Anthony, please get me an email we can use!    Also, the Club picnic is this coming Sunday, and you and your family are very much invited—-details on the Calendar and website.

    Viewing 6 reply threads
    • Author
      • #5925 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Welcome Anthony, look forward to riding with you.

        • #5943 Reply
          Anthony Cambonga

            Thanks guys. I’ll work on my e-mail address now. I live in Brea so it’ll be easier to join you all for local and distant rides.

          • #5944 Reply
            Chris Roady

              Welcome Anthony. I’m in Brea as well, look forward to meeting and riding with you.

            • #5946 Reply
              John Crittenden

                Howdy, Anthony! Please let me know if you will be able to make the Club Picnic this Sunday. Would be a good time to meet many of the guys and gals!

              • #5950 Reply
                Brandon Wilson

                  Welcome to the club Anthony!

                • #5951 Reply
                  Paul Nelson

                    Welcome Anthony, I’m looking forward to meeting you. The picnic is a great place to meet and get acquainted. Did anyone mention its low key, and family is welcome. Hope to see you there. Paul Nelson

                  • #5953 Reply
                    John Crittenden

                      And, did we mention that the President will be at the Picnic? You’ll get to meet and shake hands with him! He’s really a good guy, no matter what you hear.

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