Installing Sena Firmware with Mac OS Catalina

Installing Sena Firmware with Mac OS Catalina

Forums General Installing Sena Firmware with Mac OS Catalina

  • Creator
  • #11881 Reply
    Alan DeCarr

      I know that several of you use a Sena product for Bluetooth connectivity to various devices on your bike. Yesterday, I tried several times without success to install the Device Manager App on my computer so I could download the latest Sena firmware for my 20S Evo. Today, I finally called Sena and they quickly diagnosed my problem. Problem is: Sena is not compatible with Mac OS Cataline.

      They were helpful in explaining the workaround, and by following their directions, I was able to install the device manager onto my laptop and download/install the latest firmware.

      I’m attaching my notes in a word document should anyone be interested in updating their firmware on a Mac Catalina OS computer.

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    • Author
      • #11883 Reply
        Alan DeCarr

          In case you cannot open the attachment, here it is in word format.

          Sena 20S Evo Firmware Update:

          Sena Update Device Manager App is not compatible with Mac Catalina OS. Error message indicates “Failed to recognize device. Cannot open USB”.

          1 Download the Device Manager App

          2 Go into “Systems Preference” on your computer

          3 Select “Security & Privacy”

          4 Select “Input Monitoring”

          5 Click the lock at the bottom to allow changes (you will need your password, or touch ID)

          6 Of the Sena Device Manager is shown, click on it. Otherwise, click “+” and select it from your “Applications”. Make sure it is now “checked” in the “input notification box” and click lock to save changes.

          7 You should now be able to open the Device Manager App and run the latest firmware version.

        • #11884 Reply
          Chris Roady

            Thanks Alan. I haven’t had the problem yet, but likely will if I ever update my Sena unit since I run Catalina also.

          • #11885 Reply
            Alan DeCarr

              I think this has to do with Mac changing their OS to a 64 bit encryption vs 32 bit. Sena did not make the necessary change. Hopefully Sena is updating their program to be compatible with Catalina, so this may be a non-issue soon.

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