Great Christmas Party!!  Thank you Tripp Family!

Great Christmas Party!! Thank you Tripp Family!

Forums General Great Christmas Party!! Thank you Tripp Family!

  • Creator
  • #9261 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      It was great to see so many South Coasters at the Christmas party last weekend! Special thank you to Rob and Kellie for hosting this motley group! You two host a great event, it will be so hard to follow next year for the luck hosts!

      We had a great time!

      Karl & Sharon

    Viewing 5 reply threads
    • Author
      • #9262 Reply
        Chris Roady

          Was a very enjoyable night, good friends, food & cheer … THANKS

        • #9265 Reply
          Bill Reitz

            Thanks to the Kellie & Rob and their great hospitality. It was another EPIC South Coaster event !!

          • #9266 Reply
            Larry Troffer

              Thank you for such a splendid Christmas party, Kellie and Rob. The perfect setting for Trish and me to reconnect with the group after our long absence.

            • #9267 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                Trish & Larry I think I can speak for all the South Coasters…. we are so happy to have you two back and we are here if needed.

              • #9268 Reply
                John Crittenden

                  Dittos from the Crittendens! Was a wonderful start to the Christmas season, and will be hard to top! Thanks, Kellie and Rob. And, Trish and Larry, great to see you again!

                • #9277 Reply
                  Chris Lucas

                    Thanks so much for hosting as new members we were delighted to attend everyone was very gracious and welcoming look forward to riding with the club Chris and alya

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