Club Survey

Club Survey

Forums General Club Survey

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 04/16/2017 | 15:36 by John Crittenden.
  • Creator
  • #4910 Reply
    John Crittenden

      As I mentioned in the March Newsletter, we would like to find out some info from you on what we can do to align the Club activities. This survey is mostly for those who have recently joined and for those we rarely see.

      You may post your replies here, or if desired, private email me at [email protected]. Thanks!

      1) Why did you join the SCBMWRC?

      2) What would prompt you to participate in rides/more riding?

      3) What would you like to see more of?

      4) Is there anything you would like to
      do personally as part of the SCBMWRC?

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    • Author
      • #4965 Reply
        Brandon Wilson

          1) Why did you join the SCBMWRC?
          I was help up by gunpoint by Jessie when he saw I bought a new BMW. But seriously to enjoy longer rides and overnight adventures with like-minded guys and gals. Ride to eat, ride to live.

          2) What would prompt you to participate in rides/more riding?
          Nothing much prompts me other than to enjoy the ride and explore roads (destinations) I would not have otherwise known about.

          3) What would you like to see more of?
          Not much that I can think of.

          4) Is there anything you would like to
          do personally as part of the SCBMWRC?
          I am trying to participate in as many of the club events as possible.

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