AMA membership

AMA membership

Forums General AMA membership

  • Creator
  • #10029 Reply
    David Eastly

      Hey South Coasters, I keep getting membership offers from the American Motorcycle Association (AMA), and before I join a FOURTH MC club, I would appreciate input as to the value in being a member.

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    • Author
      • #10030 Reply
        Chris Roady

          None that I have ever seen.

        • #10032 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Not that it applies to you at this time David, but I am finding more and more of the dual sport and adventure ride events are requiring AMA membership. I a good part because of the advocacy efforts AMA does on behalf of the motorcycle community, on and off road.

            Also, not sure but if you ever though of doing an official SCMA event, I imagine they might require it AMA membership, like the Three Flags Classic ride in August/September.

            Dan Burt is an active SCMA member.

          • #10034 Reply

              SCMA does not require individual to be a member of AMA. SCMA is a member just like South Coaster, at least it was few years ago.

              I personally heven’t seen any benefit. Joined once.

            • #10035 Reply
              Chris Roady

                Used to have to belong to ride desert National races also … never saw any value nor any AMA value added saving desert lands from being closed. Not surprised to see membership required to enter specific events still.

              • #10037 Reply
                Bill Allen

                  David Eastly – You would get more value buying me lunch!

                • #10040 Reply
                  Richard Catarineau

                    I’ve been a member for years. The monthly mag is what I get out of it – with mostly MC-related political articles.

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