South Coast BMW Riders Club

Karl Wagner

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  • in reply to: Big Bear ADV/Street Ride – 9/20-22/2019 #10934
    Karl Wagner

      Opps, forgot. $5 for campfire visits…..for the weekend… πŸ™‚

      in reply to: Big Bear ADV/Street Ride – 9/20-22/2019 #10932
      Karl Wagner

        Sure, $20 per person just camping/fire. $40/person just meals, $10/person for single breakfasts, $20/person for single dinners.

        All needs to be prepaid,



        in reply to: HighPipe Motorcycle Festival #10927
        Karl Wagner

          Wow, looks fun Eric! Thanks for posting, but we are tied up for another few weekends… πŸ™

          Have a good weekend!

          in reply to: Big Bear ADV/Street Ride – 9/20-22/2019 #10925
          Karl Wagner

            Hi All,

            As of today we have 18 Campers, 16 bikes at camp and 14 tents. I believe there are another half dozen or so hotel riders, but need to check the Ride List… you are all signing up on the Ride List right… πŸ™‚
            The cost of the camp/food/parking/firewood will be $50 per person for the weekend camping, $40 for meals alone (non-camping). Payment will be collected at the September membership meeting. If you are not going to be at the membership meeting send me a check or your bike pink slip.
            Here is the plan for menu:
            Dinner – Sharon’s Chili, Salad, Smoores
            Bfast – Scrambled Eggs, Cheese, Salsa, Sausage, fruit, juice, coffee
            Dinner – Brats, Sourkraut, camp beans, Cookies
            Bfast – Fruit, Rolls, Juice, Bars, coffee
            Ride routes are on development for both offroad and pavement, going up to Big Bear Friday, Saturday and Home on Sunday.
            More to come….

            in reply to: August 2019 South Coaster is HERE! #10908
            Karl Wagner

              Very Nice Brandon, Thanks for the plug on the San Bernardino ride, going to be very fun!

              in reply to: Ride List Kudos! #10843
              Karl Wagner

                Everyone says “Thank You” after rides to the ride leaders, try this folks, help us out Before the event by using the ride list to let us know if you are or are not coming. Thank YOU!

                in reply to: Big Bear ADV/Street Ride – 9/20-22/2019 #10839
                Karl Wagner

                  Ron, let’s all meet there, but the offroad group will likely head right up to the campground, unload and take a shorter ride Friday from camp. I suggest you set up a longer street road to Big Bear so it is more enjoyable.

                  But, you are free to do something different if you like.

                  in reply to: Big Bear ADV/Street Ride – 9/20-22/2019 #10835
                  Karl Wagner

                    Ok, updated the list.

                    Note, we have sites 7 and 8/9 double site for Friday and Saturday nights. If anyone wants to book one of those for Thursday night we can meet you up at the campground mid-day Friday.

                    We will be meeting at Irv Seavers at 8:30am for pre-ride meeting and leaving promptly at 9am.

                    Full schedule and route to follow.

                    in reply to: Big Bear ADV/Street Ride – 9/20-22/2019 #10743
                    Karl Wagner

                      Update, here is the rolling list of attendees I am tracking:
                      Camping – 18 people, 16 Bikes, 14 Tents, 1 dog:
                      Karl & Sharon W
                      Chuck W
                      Eric W
                      Chris R
                      Rick & Lisa C
                      Erasmo & Diane B
                      Bill A
                      Steve H
                      Larry T
                      Tim & Jeneane McC
                      Brandon W
                      John C
                      Brandon W
                      Hotel, 3 people, 2 bikes:
                      Ron Z
                      Lorna Z
                      Jesse V
                      Please update the Ride List also, just to make sure we have who is going, thank you.

                      in reply to: SCBMWRC – Club Picnic! #10692
                      Karl Wagner

                        Nice feature Rick, but I think I “Broke” my ride list…… I now am listed with no name on my line of response and not able to log in. Was unable to find a way to fix this in the FAQ’s…. :0


                        Any help is appreciated to restore my name to my ride list line…

                        in reply to: Big Bear ADV/Street Ride – 9/20-22/2019 #10687
                        Karl Wagner

                          Bill Allen, tell your “friend”, CERTAINLY!

                          Shall I count you or your friend in for a camping spot???? :0

                          in reply to: Big Bear ADV/Street Ride – 9/20-22/2019 #10683
                          Karl Wagner

                            Got is Rick and Erasmo, that is 9 so far camping.

                            If we do do meals they will be simplier than last year, and if you don’t cook Rick, you have to take a dishes/clean up shift! πŸ™‚

                            Karl Wagner

                              Checking in on this event to see if any South Coasters might be attending with us. If you are, we would be glad to haul items out in the RV. We can pick up any items at the Club Picnic this month.

                              Karl & Sharon

                              in reply to: July 2019 Newsletter #10660
                              Karl Wagner

                                Very nice Brandon!

                                in reply to: StreetMasters 26-27 October 2019 #10617
                                Karl Wagner

                                  While at it, would appreciate if you sign up for all the other events so we can plan for whomever is going. Thanks!

                                  in reply to: SCBMWRC – Club Picnic! #10611
                                  Karl Wagner

                                    Wagner’s will bring a dessert.

                                    in reply to: Big Bear ADV/Street Ride – 9/20-22/2019 #10607
                                    Karl Wagner

                                      Great, here is the rolling list of attendees I am tracking:

                                      Karl W
                                      Sharon W
                                      Chuck W
                                      Eric W
                                      Chris R

                                      Ron Z
                                      Lorna Z

                                      Will keep the numbers rolling. Remember I am taking non-refundable payment for this year in advance to better predict camping. Camping fees are crazy these days, will be setting the rate around $15/night per person, TBD. Meals not included.

                                      in reply to: Range of Light Gypsy Tour: 8/30 – 9/1 #10606
                                      Karl Wagner

                                        We are in Eric, we will be two up.

                                        I put it on the club calendar, looking forward to it!

                                        in reply to: June 2019 South Coaster #10563
                                        Karl Wagner

                                          Thank you Danny, appreciate the note. It certainly is a challenge to be editor, and I respect those that came before me, David Omlar, Erasmo Brenes and those before them, kuddos! It is an important role to club promotion and I wish I had had time and energy to move the newsletter to the next level like I had envisioned. I look forward to what Brandon does with it, modernizes it, as myself and more members provide complete content so he can be a true editor. Looking foward to the 19/20 club year!

                                          in reply to: Santa Ynez Ride – June 22 – 23, 2019 #10561
                                          Karl Wagner

                                            Have a good weekend everyone who is riding this weekend!!! S

                                          Viewing 20 replies - 241 through 260 (of 737 total)