August 2019 South Coaster is HERE!

August 2019 South Coaster is HERE!

Forums Newsletters August 2019 South Coaster is HERE!

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  • Author
    • #10903 Reply
      Chris Roady

        Another fine edition Mr. Wilson, thank you.

      • #10904 Reply
        Bill Allen

          Great job! Easter egg too easy.

        • #10908 Reply
          Karl Wagner

            Very Nice Brandon, Thanks for the plug on the San Bernardino ride, going to be very fun!

          • #10909 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              Very nice formatting. But could you please spell my name correctly? It’s Catarineau.

            • #10915 Reply
              Brandon Wilson

                D’oh! Sorry rick!

              • #10916 Reply
                Rob Tripp

                  Great news letter Brandon!

                • #10919 Reply
                  David Omlor

                    This issue is so darn good that it convinced me I had to quit dawdling 🙂 and finally renew my membership. The move to Moorpark has been a time sink that is finally easing so that I can get back to the important things in life: tire pressures (36 front, 42 rear), oil level, light checks…see y’all on the road soon.

                  • #10923 Reply
                    Brandon Wilson

                      Heat to hear David! Hopefully see you at big bear?

                    • #10926 Reply
                      Chris Roady

                        welcome home David!!

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