South Coast BMW Riders Club

Ron Zablocki

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 20 replies - 141 through 160 (of 417 total)
  • Author
  • in reply to: Morro Bay Ride Nov 12-14, 2021 #14917
    Ron Zablocki

      Hi Steve – Warren sent me his routes and I’ll be taking a look at them this weekend.

      in reply to: Morro Bay Ride Nov 12-14, 2021 #14914
      Ron Zablocki

        I now pronounce you Man and Bike.

        in reply to: Fall Colors 2021 #14879
        Ron Zablocki

          Hey all – unfortunately I’m not going to be able to make this ride as I’ll be temporarily bike-less. I’m going to be canceling my reservation at the Creekside Inn shortly. Damn – this is going to be a great ride too! 😢

          in reply to: Fall Colors 2021 #14836
          Ron Zablocki

            Hi Steve – I’m not really doing anything for this, as this is our Keymaster’s (aka Brandon) ride. If Brandon wants I can help plan out a route for Saturday, but this is his thing really.

            in reply to: Low seat, for 2015 R1200GS #14806
            Ron Zablocki

              Congrats on your new GS Eric!

              in reply to: Fall Colors 2021 #14767
              Ron Zablocki

                Hi Brandon – According to your Day 1 route, was your plan to still meetup at Starbucks in Diamond Bar on Friday morning? If so, what is your KSU time for that? And was Bernardino’s in Inyoken still the plan for Fridays’s lunch? I also notice a loop off of Whitney Portal Road which seems to circle a small lake. Is this a nice break stop or such?

                in reply to: Fall Colors 2021 #14745
                Ron Zablocki

                  I’ve booked my room.

                  in reply to: Fall Colors 2021 #14728
                  Ron Zablocki

                    Hi Brandon – any word on hotel availability yet?

                    in reply to: Morro Bay Ride Nov 12-14, 2021 #14699
                    Ron Zablocki

                      Thanks Warren – Room reserved!

                      in reply to: September SouthCoaster is HERE #14688
                      Ron Zablocki

                        Yes, I have to say this was one of the better club rides we’ve had IMHO. 😁

                        in reply to: September SouthCoaster is HERE #14684
                        Ron Zablocki

                          Another excellent job – thanks Harry!

                          in reply to: Pinnacles National Park, Sept 10-12 #14636
                          Ron Zablocki

                            Hi Eric – I’m not going to be attending the ride, I was mainly curious what those tent cabins were like.

                            Oh, and it’s where the reservations are made.

                            in reply to: Pinnacles National Park, Sept 10-12 #14632
                            Ron Zablocki

                              Whoa – Onsite tent cabins? I didn’t know the park had those, where can we find out more about them?

                              in reply to: Sequoia N.P. Weekend #14609
                              Ron Zablocki

                                I’d like to thank everyone who attended this weekend’s ride – it was a fun weekend with great roads and awesome company! The weather was a bit warm in places, but manageable. A couple prospective riders attended who I think will soon become members!

                                Anyone who took pictures over the weekend, could you forward them to me for putting together a write-up for the newsletter?

                                Thanks all!

                                in reply to: Sequoia N.P. Weekend #14600
                                Ron Zablocki

                                  Okay everyone, the weekend is almost upon us! I’ve attached updated temperature and elevation charts for our Friday and Saturday routes. The routes haven’t changed, and the route files are posted above. Friday will be the hottest day as we decrease elevation and make our way into Lindsay. With this in mind we’ll be taking breaks as needed, as it gets warmer. I’d like to remind everyone to bring cool vests or cooling towels that they can wrap around their necks and such.

                                  Everyone please be at Panera Bread by 8am gassed up and ready for the rider sign-in and meeting. We’ll be leaving promptly at 8:30am.

                                  Saturday’s route will be cooler along the route, and cooler in general. We can decide what dinner plans we want to do as a group, or folks can do what they feel like doing for dinner on Fri and Sat nights, or a combination there of.

                                  I want this to be a fun and safe weekend for everyone, so if anyone has any questions or concerns please contact me.

                                  in reply to: Calendar – Website Update Required #14574
                                  Ron Zablocki

                                    Cool – I like it!

                                    in reply to: Sequoia N.P. Weekend #14565
                                    Ron Zablocki

                                      Yeah, I’ve been checking and we’re good so far.

                                      in reply to: Sequoia N.P. Weekend #14564
                                      Ron Zablocki

                                        Yeah, I’ve been checking and we’re good so far.

                                        in reply to: Sequoia N.P. Weekend #14547
                                        Ron Zablocki

                                          Hey Henry – I don’t blame you, but triple digit temps are not expected for the routes I planned.

                                          in reply to: Sequoia N.P. Weekend #14546
                                          Ron Zablocki

                                            I’ll be posting updated ride temperatures for the Fri and Sat routes next week. This will give us a better idea of what we can expect for the weekend.   The route files I posted earlier in this thread are still the routes we’ll be taking for Fri and Sat!

                                          Viewing 20 replies - 141 through 160 (of 417 total)