Wrist Pin Tool

Wrist Pin Tool

Forums Tech Corner Wrist Pin Tool

  • Creator
  • #7951 Reply
    Chris Roady

      I will soon be in need of a wrist pin puller/installer for my 75/5. Does anyone have any recommendations on a specific brand of tool, or by chance one you would be willing to loan?

      I know loaning tools is almost as risky as loaning books, so I completely understand if it isn’t something anyone would be interested in doing. If you would loan one, the borrow would come with a new tool guarantee if not satisfied with returned condition.

      Thanks, Chris

    Viewing 18 reply threads
    • Author
      • #7978 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Check directly with Larry Troffer or Paul Nelson.

          What about posting on the Airhead forum?

        • #7980 Reply

            Sorry for hyjacking this thread, but seems like I cannot access Sierra thread. I landed here because this page allowed me access. Why is this happening? I’ve raised this issue few times in the past. All board members will have moderator access, so they will NEVER find or have this issue. If this is happening to one user, let’s find out the cause.

            I don’t use the Facebook, and this is the only face to our club communication, and we ought to make is easy to access and navigate. Sessions don’t persist, Well that’s a minor, but it would be user friendly.

          • #7981 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              So Bikram, are you unable to start a new topic with this issue? That would be more effective as the title would reflect the issue you are having.

              Actually Chris Roady, who is a BOD member, has similar issues. It does not appear to be a get out of Jail Free Card.

              There must be a more common thread as to why this happens. Rick?

            • #7987 Reply

                Thanks Karl, I was able to get into other pages as I checked. Was not able to get into where I could create a new thread.

                Yesterday Bill Reitz downloaded your Sierra files and forwarded to me via email.

                It’s not about get out of jail card, but surprised that Chris Roady had a similar issue. So this means it may mean not be an access issue rather about user data persistancy. Because as a moderator I would not expect Roady to have any issues.

                Since this is WordPress, and as a packaged solution it may have some inherent issues that one may not know until they surface. My take is purely from troubleshooting point of view on analyzing the behavior and narrowing down.

                This is something the webmaster would have to dig in and figure out.

              • #7990 Reply
                Richard Catarineau

                  I’ve looked into this, but it is intermittent and hard to track down. It even happens to me as a site admin. Sometimes there is a specific forum that can’t be reached, and then later it can be. Go figure. The bottom line is that it is free software, it has bugs, and since we don’t pay we don’t have support. But the updates are almost weekly, so I keep my fingers crossed!

                • #7991 Reply
                  Bill Allen

                    I occasionally have this problem, but it is invariably on my phone, not my desktop. The error message I get is that it says I’m not logged in and not authorized to view that particular forum (the one I’m trying to view). It recommends I join or log in. I go to log in and it says I am logged in. So, I believe it is somewhere between the logging in and the check to see if I’m logged in is where the problem might be.

                    Rick – Is there a support forum for the software?

                  • #7992 Reply
                    Bill Allen

                      Chris – Go to an Airhead breakfast (next one in La Canada / Flintridge on the 16th). Attendance is still ramping up, but there were resources at the last few I’ve attended.

                    • #7998 Reply
                      Chris Roady

                        thanks Bill … also looks like it would be really easy to make one once I know the diameter of the pin. I do want to make some of the airhead breakfasts regardless!

                      • #8005 Reply
                        Mark Borgeson

                          Bill, Rick,
                          The login problem happens to me 50% of the time, but only when using the Safari browser on macbook and iPhone. I never have the issue when using the Chrome or Edge browsers.

                        • #8024 Reply
                          Chris Roady

                            fabricated tool worked great

                          • #8027 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              Congrats Chris…. or should we say McGyver? 🙂

                            • #8029 Reply
                              Bill Allen


                              • #8033 Reply
                                Chris Roady

                                  available for loan btw 😉

                                • #8034 Reply
                                  Richard Catarineau

                                    Bill – Where and when is this Airhead breakfast in La Canada / Flintridge on the 16th?

                                  • #8036 Reply
                                    Bill Allen

                                      Hill Street Cafe on Foothill right at ACH

                                    • #8037 Reply
                                      Bill Allen

                                        Chris – Have you labeled the wrist pin tool yet?

                                      • #8047 Reply
                                        Chris Roady

                                          good idea Bill, will do. My suspicion is it won’t be in much demand, but it is available if anyone has a need.

                                        • #8070 Reply
                                          Richard Catarineau

                                            Bill – What time is the breakfast tomorrow?

                                          • #8072 Reply
                                            Bill Reitz

                                              Hey Rick, in case Bill doesn’t see your question the meeting is from 9am to 11 at the Hill Street Cafe. I got the info from:


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