Willy Nilly Saturday (24 Sept) Ride

Willy Nilly Saturday (24 Sept) Ride

Forums Rides Willy Nilly Saturday (24 Sept) Ride

  • Creator
  • #17461 Reply
    John Crittenden

      I’m up for lunch in Big Bear Saturday if anyone is interested!  Will leave Flo’s at Chino Airport about 9 a.m., taking the 38 to Big Bear.   Looking at going back on the 18 to Lucerne Valley, etc.

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    • Author
      • #17462 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          ahhhhhhh, back in the “Good Old Days” Willy Nilly ride…..

          Great Idea John, regrets we are committed with family though… Have good ride!

        • #17463 Reply
          Ed Taylor

            John,  If you had posted this Wednesday I would have done it.  This is a great idea, sorry I can’t make it. 38 was a mess and closed a couple of weeks ago. Ed

          • #17464 Reply
            Ron Zablocki

              I’d love to join but have commitments on Sat. Sun would’ve worked though.

            • #17471 Reply
              John Crittenden

                I guess that’s why it’s a Willy Nillier!   Only found out could do this Thursday.

                And, 38 looks 0pen and good at this time.

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