Weekend in Ensenada and Beer Fest Mar 17-19

Weekend in Ensenada and Beer Fest Mar 17-19

Forums General Weekend in Ensenada and Beer Fest Mar 17-19

  • Creator
  • #7194 Reply
    Jim Foreman

      Hello Fellow Riders,

      It’s time again for the Ensenada Beer Fest happening March 17th. This year, we’ll make it an incredible weekend with fabulous riding, Excellent beers, spectacular meals, and some great friends.

      We will leave Irv Seaver BMW at 8am sharp. For those in south OC, we’ll stop in Lake Forest and then head south to the border.

      We’ll head down the scenic highway to Ensenada and check into our seaside rooms. After check-in, we’ll taxi cab it over to the beer fest on the museum grounds and enjoy the afternoon in the sunshine with great food, music, beer, and a festive atmosphere.

      We’ll eat like kings because dinner is included Saturday and Sunday. We’ll enjoy a Brazilian Churrascaria one night and a winery the following night.

      Prices include Beer Fest Tickets, hotel, tolls, and dinner with drinks both nights.
      All you pay for is Mexican Moto Insurance, Breakfast, lunch, extra partying, and gas.

      The limit will be 10 Motorcycles.

      $489 Each pilot for Single room occupancy.

      $589 for a couple on one bike for Single Room Occupancy

      Please let me know your interest and if you’re ready to book this amazing weekend.

      Ensenada Beer Fest 2018

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    • Author
      • #7199 Reply

          Count me in Jim. 2 nights, I take it you leave Saturday and return Monday. Need to know which workday because I need to book my vacation day.

        • #7200 Reply
          Jim Foreman

            That’s Fantastic! I know you’ll have a great time! It’s Saturday – Monday, March 17-19. You’ll be back in SoCal Monday afternoon.
            I’ll send a private message..

            Thanks Again!

          • #7231 Reply
            Jessie Vaca

              I’m in Jim!

            • #7233 Reply
              Jim Foreman

                Hi Bikram,

                I please gove me your current email. The on your membership doesn’t seem to be working.
                Space is filling up and I want to make sure to get you all signed in.

                Please let me know


              • #7235 Reply

                  Hi Jim,
                  The email is working, because I got your email. I have to wait to get the approval before proceed to the next step. Thanks for being prompt.

                • #7236 Reply
                  Jim Foreman

                    No Problem. Thanks!!!!

                  • #7415 Reply
                    Nicholas Okoneski

                      If there is any space left on the trip, sign me up for one.

                    • #7416 Reply
                      Jim Foreman

                        Yes, there is space. Sounds great! I’ll send you a paypal invoice for the cost. I’m certain you’ll have an amazing time!

                      • #7557 Reply
                        Jim Foreman

                          We’re less than two weeks away for this awesome trip. There are two spaces open if you’ve been holding out until the last minute.
                          I need to finalize reservations by this Friday.
                          Can’t wait.


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