Weekday Rides

Weekday Rides

Forums Rides Weekday Rides

  • Creator
  • #19392 Reply
    Akio Ariura

      Hello All

      New member and recently semi-retired.  I was wondering if there is anyone interested in riding during the work week.  Nothing too long as to miss the rush hour traffic.

      Looking forward to meeting all !


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    • Author
      • #19412 Reply
        Sergio Collazo

          Hello Akio,

          Welcome and congratulations on your semi-retirement.  While weekday rides are not feasible for me, I do endeavor to slip away once in a while for a “therapeutic break.”  I am in Aliso Viejo and do partake both shorter and longer rides on weekends.

          Feel free to contact me anytime.

          Sergio Collazo.

        • #19468 Reply
          Ed Taylor

            Akio,  Enjoyed meeting you Saturday, welcome to the club.

            Defiantly not retired, but I do sneak away during the week on occasion.  I tell the boss I am going to the bank and PO box.  I live  close to Riverside.

            Ed Taylor

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