Website – FYI for Members

Website – FYI for Members

Forums General Website – FYI for Members

  • Creator
  • #12046 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Hi Folks,

      I have been working on a few bugs with the site, and one of them was the picture scroller at the home page which is now fixed and updated with some more recent content. Please let me know if you notice anything strange or not properly working.


    Viewing 10 reply threads
    • Author
      • #12049 Reply
        John Crittenden

          Thanks, Brandon!

        • #12057 Reply
          Chris Roady

            Looks great Brandon and I know you have been putting a lot of hours in on this. Sincere thanks for all the work and to Rick as well for the past work and time put in to give the rest of us a seamless transition!

          • #12059 Reply
            Erasmo Brenes

              Kudos to Brandon! Great updated slideshow!

            • #12085 Reply
              Joe Alwan

                Looks great! Thanks Brandon

              • #12086 Reply
                Brandon Wilson

                  I could not have done it without Rick building and supporting such a great platform all these years. Way to go Rick and Lisa.

                • #12089 Reply
                  Mark Borgeson

                    Thanks Brandon. I really missed this feature.

                  • #12104 Reply
                    Eric Wolf

                      Thanks Rick and Brandon,
                      I do have one thing. I’ve been updating the Mexico ride and my updates don’t show up in the “Recent Topics” links at the right. If not there, then how will anyone see them? My thread is “Baja Mexico Ride: April 24 – 26.” Can you look into and fix this.

                    • #12109 Reply
                      Brandon Wilson

                        Hey Eric – will have a look

                      • #12110 Reply
                        Brandon Wilson

                          Hey Eric –

                          The issue is it is no longer a recent topic. New topics have been posted since you opened yours on Dec 19. However, recent replies are linking to the discussion topic for easy access.

                        • #12111 Reply
                          Eric Wolf

                            So no matter how much “new” information or comment there is in that thread, it will never show up in that section?

                          • #12113 Reply
                            Brandon Wilson

                              That is correct Eric. The new topics section is driven off the post date.

                          Viewing 10 reply threads
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