Tire Pressure Monitor

Tire Pressure Monitor

Forums General Tire Pressure Monitor

  • Creator
  • #18446 Reply
    Bill Allen

      For those of you who do NOT have the factory installed TPM, have you tried any of those valve stem devices connected to a phone app and, if you have, what do/did you think of them?

      TIA (and I don’t mean Transient Ischemic Attack!)

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    • Author
      • #18447 Reply
        Ron Zablocki

          I had the FOBOs a while back and they worked well for me.

        • #18448 Reply
          Bill Allen

            Just ordered them.



          • #18628 Reply
            Ric Magrath

              I woke Sunday morning and found the first “South Coast’R” issue of the year. Made my cup of tea even more enjoyable. Great job, great read.

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