Solstice Ride June 17, 2017, we are a go!

Solstice Ride June 17, 2017, we are a go!

Forums Rides Solstice Ride June 17, 2017, we are a go!

  • Creator
  • #5498 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Destination and route to be developed, start at the Harbor House Cafe in Seal Beach, KSU 5:30am sharp, breakfast before optional, plan on a good long day of miles, curves and lunch at a distant location!



    Viewing 16 reply threads
    • Author
      • #5503 Reply
        Dale Sprosty

          Sounds like you have a good jump on this Karl. Go for it.

          • #5504 Reply
            Ralf Tuchmann

              Iam in how about Ragget point for lunch its not that far

          • #5508 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              Well if you make this ride Ralf, we will find a way to get to Ragget Point!!!

              Perhaps we should do a ride in your neighborhood for the Solstice Ride????

            • #5513 Reply
              Ted Taylor

                Saturday or Sunday?

                The 17th is saturday and it looks like John C has something planned.

                The 18th is Father’s day. However, I cant think of a better way to spend it!

              • #5514 Reply
                Karl Wagner

                  Thanks Ted,

                  Had an objection to the ride on Fathers Day, which I understand if you have kids local, so we moved it to Saturday 5/17. John indicated he was ok with it, if we have a group interested. I do not have any commitments yet.


                • #5518 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    Yeah, would be two totally different rides, so should not be a problemo.

                    Can go on the Calendar, neh?

                  • #5631 Reply

                      If Ralf can make it to Ragget Point, then I’ll figure a way to go on a ride to meet him for lunch. πŸ™‚

                    • #5632 Reply
                      Dale Sprosty

                        It’s Ragged Point.

                      • #5636 Reply
                        Karl Wagner

                          Ride is now posted to Calendar, Facebook, and the bathroom wall……..and Ragged Point is spelled properly….. πŸ™‚

                          Rumor is that Ralf may just show up at the last minute…….. :0

                        • #5638 Reply
                          Dale Sprosty

                            If he does you all had better strap in!!

                          • #5639 Reply
                            Karl Wagner

                              We would just see him at the next intersection as usual…. ride our own ride……just plan on a lot of miles, smiles, and curves! πŸ™‚

                            • #5706 Reply
                              Karl Wagner

                                Attached is are the routes from the Harbor Cafe in Seal Beach to Ragged Pt, our lunch spot, and the route back. Together it is just over 650 miles, I tried to get a good balance of great roads and stretches where we can get the miles in! If you just can’t get enough riding it, come on out.

                              • #5776 Reply
                                Karl Wagner

                                  KSU 5:30am this Saturday, come full of food and gas ready for a day full of spirited paced riding….

                                • #5782 Reply
                                  Brandon Wilson

                                    Since my Datacenter move this weekend was cancelled, I am in. See you in the AM.

                                  • #5784 Reply

                                      Hmmm … it’s 4:35 AM, no one here yet. I thought I will find people to join for breakfast. Maybe they are in their way

                                    • #5788 Reply
                                      Brandon Wilson

                                        Great ride today boys. Thanks for the amazing route and good company.

                                      • #5789 Reply

                                          What a great day for a nice long ride with good people. Karl, thank you very much for organizing this trip and the planning. It was fun indeed.

                                          I got home at 8PM, took a shower and felt energized for some more riding. Like dessert over in Palm Springs? πŸ™‚

                                        • #5790 Reply
                                          Karl Wagner

                                            Good ride Brandon and Bikram, really enjoyed the pre-fathers day ride with two other dads. Hope you did not mind the shorter breaks and shortened route, but getting back as the sun was setting was a good thing!

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