Shoei Neotech II Modular Helmet For Sale

Shoei Neotech II Modular Helmet For Sale

Forums Classifieds Shoei Neotech II Modular Helmet For Sale

  • Creator
  • #15631 Reply
    Pete Rissman

      SIZE: Medium, COLOR: White

      CONDITION: Excellent. There is one small scratch in the face shield, but it’s not noticeable with the helmet on unless you’re looking down at the bottom of the shield (and really looking for it) and it’s barely noticeable looking in from outside the helmet.

      INCLUDES: an original equipment 9mm headliner, a 5mm headliner, an extra set of 35mm cheek pads, and the Shoei storage bag it came with.

      BACK STORY: I bought this helmet in October 2018 for a 1400-mile 8-day trip which I left on just 2 days later. Less than 150 miles into that trip it was quite apparent that the helmet was too small for my head. I stopped at a Cycle Gear in Fresno and purchased the 5mm headliner hoping that it would help, but it didn’t make much difference. So I spent the rest of the trip stopping every 50 miles or so to kneed some circulation back into my scalp. Cycle Gear wouldn’t take the helmet back because I had worn it on the trip, so it’s been sitting in the bag on a shelf in my storage unit ever since.

      They currently sell for $749.99+tax which is about what I paid for it. I’ll sell it for $350 to a club member — $400 to anyone else.

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    • Author
      • #15632 Reply
        Pete Rissman

          The helmet about 1 hour before I left on the trip. It had a Packtalk Bold in it at the time, but I moved it to the replacement helmet.

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