September 2019 South Coaster is HERE!

September 2019 South Coaster is HERE!

Forums Newsletters September 2019 South Coaster is HERE!

  • Creator
  • #11008 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Hello South Coasters,

      The September issue of the South Caster is here for your enjoyment. I hope to see many of you out on the road soon! Exciting events coming up so you have no excuse 🙂

      Until then, take good care.
      – Brandon

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    • Author
      • #11011 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Nice edition Brandon, well done. You even make my article look decent!

          Welcome back to the states!


        • #11012 Reply
          Brandon Wilson

            Thanks Karl! Can’t wait to see the details on the range of lights. Looks like you all had some good fun!

          • #11018 Reply
            Richard Catarineau

              I love the new format. Looks great. I used to envy the NorCal monthly newsletters, but not any more!

              And BTW, new member Frank Campbell is the guy I bought the R100RT from. He newly moved to San Diego from Florida so please make him feel at home…
              before you start busting his balls.

            • #11032 Reply
              Brandon Wilson

                Wow Rick, and I spelled your name right this time. Thanks for the positive feedback. I am enjoying the editor role this year and having fun being a bit creative. Every issue I am working to make things better. 🙂

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