Sedona 4 Day Outing – October 10-13, 2024

Sedona 4 Day Outing – October 10-13, 2024

Forums Rides Sedona 4 Day Outing – October 10-13, 2024

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    Steve Leo

      We had such a great response to our ride to Sedona last year that we are going again in 2024. We have moved the dates up to mid-October to take advantage of warmer weather in the mountains of Northern Arizona.  We will be riding on some fantastic mountain roads through historic towns such as Jerome & Prescott, ride the southern rim of the Grand Canyon, have lunch at the Grand Canyon Village and ride the beautiful 89A between Sedona and Flagstaff.

      This will be a camping and hotel/Air BnB ride. Eric Wolf will be in charge of the camping so contact him [email protected] – to reserve your spot. The cost of hotels has sky-rocketed in Sedona over the last year so we are looking at doing an Air BnB accommodation for the ride. If you want to stay in a hotel we have reserved some rooms at the Green Tree Inn for $209.00 per night + tax. That is $40.00 per night below their rack rate. If you are interested in an Air BnB please contact me – [email protected] – to get on the room list.

      We have two campsites reserved at Cave Springs CampgroundReply to this forum post if you are interested in camping.

      The Meet-Up location will be at the Starbucks in the parking lot of the Morongo Casino Resort & Spa off I-10 just east of Banning. Meet-Up @ 8:30am with KSU @ 9:00am.

      Sign up on the Event Page here.

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