SCBMWRC – Club Picnic!

SCBMWRC – Club Picnic!

Forums Calendar Events SCBMWRC – Club Picnic!

  • Creator
  • #10411 Reply
    Brandon Wilson

      Come one, come all to the 2019 Club picnic located at Craig Park in Fullerton on Sunday, July 21st!

      Games, food, and excitement as we transition club leadership and award the mileage contest winners in this final tradition of our 2018-2019 riding season.

      It is a 124-acre recreational park with biking, hiking & picnicking, plus hills, a rose garden & a lake.

      Address: 3300 N State College Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92835
      Cabana #3 is reserved for us, covered for shade, BBQ, easy parking, lakefront and 400 feet from a proper restroom.

      Parking is 5$ per vehicle, and a one-time entry. If you leave and come back with your car, you will be required to pay again.

      Please use this thread to indicate your side-dish (I will e-mail also) and dessert you may bring to the event. If there are conflicts, I will contact you directly via e-mail. don’t forget to sign up on the ride list when the event publishes after some of the other events clear out.

    Viewing 13 reply threads
    • Author
      • #10611 Reply
        Karl Wagner

          Wagner’s will bring a dessert.

        • #10681 Reply
          Lisa Catarineau

            Catarineau’s are bringing a yummy kale salad (gluten free!)

          • #10685 Reply
            Chris Roady

              (YAY Lisa!!) Chips and Cowboy Caviar from the Roadys

            • #10686 Reply
              Bill Allen

                We will bring desert.

              • #10690 Reply
                Richard Catarineau

                  I added a “Bringing” column to the Ride List for your food.

                • #10691 Reply
                  John Crittenden

                    Great idea, Rick!

                  • #10692 Reply
                    Karl Wagner

                      Nice feature Rick, but I think I “Broke” my ride list…… I now am listed with no name on my line of response and not able to log in. Was unable to find a way to fix this in the FAQ’s…. :0


                      Any help is appreciated to restore my name to my ride list line…

                    • #10693 Reply
                      Bill Reitz

                        Brandon, you said waaaay back in June you wanted me to bring drinks or ?? and would contact me. I’m waiting…..

                      • #10695 Reply
                        Bill Allen

                          Rick – You da man!

                        • #10697 Reply
                          Brandon Wilson


                            Thanks for waiting. Hopefully you enjoyed the hold music. I have coolers, ice and beverages under control. Thanks for being proactive and double checking.


                          • #10698 Reply
                            Bill Reitz

                              Ok, now what to bring, hmmmmm.

                            • #10699 Reply
                              John Crittenden

                                But, Brandon, Bill R. ALWAYS brings the drinks. Back when I was….okay, let’s not go there. I just don’t want Bill to feel unused.

                              • #10701 Reply
                                Brandon Wilson


                                  I will call you later today. If you still want to bring, I am ok with that just trying to make life a bit easier for you 🙂 haha

                                • #10720 Reply
                                  Bill Schimko

                                    Hi Brandon, i’ll be there at picnic and have bribed, threatened, and kissed my little woman’s xxx to do something, how about Asian style dumpling’s ?? some veggie and some meat filled ?? sound ok ??

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