Saturday Club Day Ride – You Decide!

Saturday Club Day Ride – You Decide!

Forums Rides Saturday Club Day Ride – You Decide!

  • Creator
  • #11744 Reply
    Karl Wagner

      Hey South Coasters,
      Sharon and I will be leading a group ride for anyone interested after the club meeting on Saturday at Irv Seavers. We will depart around 1:00pm, so let’s meet up at 12:45pm around the canopy area in the parking lot.
      We were planning on riding the Santa Monica Mountains dropping into the Rock Store and Starbucks in Malibu for breaks, very infomal. The malibu hills are not next door to the shop, but it would provide us a nice 2 hours of riding in the hills before heading home.
      If the group favors something shorter, a run up and back on Ortega Highway for a snack at the Overlook would be fine.
      Will let the group decide when we get together Saturday.

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    • Author
      • #11745 Reply
        Bill Allen

          I thought Rob Tripp was leading a ride after the meeting. Is this something different?

        • #11746 Reply
          Chris Roady

            This is the club ride Bill. Rob Tripp got called out of town on business so Karl stepped up to lead.

          • #11750 Reply
            Bill Allen

              No problem. I was just confused if this was something separate.

            • #11763 Reply
              Alan DeCarr

                Karl and Sharon. Thanks again for stepping up today and leading the ride. It was a great ride, but proves once again that…..even you can’t prevent forest fires!! Thanks for making the U-Turn.


              • #11776 Reply
                Erasmo Brenes

                  I was at the Rock Store, but didn’t see any of you. So I assume you took the shorter ride to Ortega ๐Ÿ™‚

                • #11787 Reply
                  Karl Wagner

                    Thnaks Alan, yes the roads are precocious!

                    Sorry Erasmo, but the group overwhelmingly chose Orgega.

                    We will be doing a day ride in the Malibu hills in the next month or two! No options then! ๐Ÿ™‚

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