Salvation Mountain Day Ride

Salvation Mountain Day Ride

Forums Calendar Events Salvation Mountain Day Ride

Viewing 28 reply threads
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    • #5260 Reply

        Looks good, count me in!
        Blake Mahler

      • #5279 Reply
        Karl Wagner


          You have this link to-from the calendar event to the forum item, and back again down pat. Can we look at this at the club meeting next weekend. Very slick.


          PS Can you post a pdf form of the ride?

        • #5284 Reply
          Erasmo Brenes

            Which tool do you use for generating PDFs from Garmin GPx?

          • #5289 Reply
            Karl Wagner

              I believe I used Tyre…..Bill R can you confirm….I do not have it on my computer at work….

            • #5291 Reply
              Bill Reitz

                Karl is CORRECT !! In TYRE on the line above the map there is an icon of a small book (blue book on my computer) to print a ROAD BOOK. That will print a route sheet not a PDF. To the right an icon will print the map of the route.

              • #5298 Reply
                Erasmo Brenes

                  Here are the PDFs for the ride. Let me know if you need more details. We’re planning on having lunch at the Buckshot Deli and Diner in Niland, CA.

                • #5336 Reply
                  Erasmo Brenes

                    Could I get a head count of the people attending?

                  • #5337 Reply
                    Bill Reitz

                      Karen & I are going.

                    • #5338 Reply
                      Dale Sprosty

                        Planning on attending Erasmo.

                      • #5339 Reply
                        Bill Reitz

                          Bob & Diane W are going too.

                        • #5340 Reply
                          Jessie Vaca

                            Erasmo, I plan on attending
                            Jessie Vaca

                          • #5342 Reply
                            Rob Tripp

                              Kellie and I are going. We’re planning to meet the group at the Arco in Lake Elsinore. I’m assuming you’ll be ariving there about 9:15-9:30?

                            • #5364 Reply
                              Erasmo Brenes

                                Yes, we should be arriving at the ARCO in Lake Elsinore between 9:15 and 9:30am. See you then.

                              • #5365 Reply
                                Karl Wagner

                                  Erasmo, my weekend plans changed. I am planning on coming on this ride, Sharon is a maybee. Either way one bike for the long ride.

                                  Jessie, I hear you are on a new Scoot! Will we see it this weekend???

                                • #5367 Reply
                                  Bill Reitz

                                    Karl there is a prospective member going on this ride who lives in Torrance, maybe you two could ride to Starbucks ? He is Ron Zablocki, he rode a Honda to the Rock Inn ride but now has a 1200 RT. His email is [email protected].

                                  • #5368 Reply
                                    Karl Wagner

                                      Got it, emailed Ron and we are setup to meet and fly down to meet you guys in San Juan Cap.

                                    • #5373 Reply
                                      John Crittenden

                                        I believe I will be riding also.

                                      • #5379 Reply
                                        Brandon Wilson

                                          Erasmo, I plan on riding meeting the group in lake Elsinore.

                                        • #5380 Reply
                                          Brandon Wilson

                                            One last question, which Arco? The one off lakeshore or right off the 15 by the Costco?

                                          • #5382 Reply
                                            Bill Reitz

                                              Brandon, according to the TYRE GPX file the Arco is on Bundy Canyon Rd at Orange St. just west of the 15.

                                            • #5383 Reply
                                              Brandon Wilson

                                                Thanks bill. See you guys there in the AM.

                                              • #5384 Reply
                                                Jessie Vaca

                                                  I will also meet you guys at the AROCO at the Bundy Canyon exit

                                                • #5385 Reply
                                                  Jessie Vaca

                                                    I will also meet you guys at the AROCO at the Bundy Canyon exit

                                                  • #5387 Reply
                                                    Erasmo Brenes

                                                      I had a great time today. Thanks to all that came to ride to Salvation Mountain. Special thanks to Tom
                                                      Cawein, John C, and Karl for helping Blake M get his bike towed. Sorry that Blake fell and couldn’t finish
                                                      the ride to Niland, but glad that he was ok (the bike can always be fixed).
                                                      The rest of the group made it to lunch at Buckshot Diner and had a great time. Salvation Mountain was a treat! and we were lucky that it wasn’t too hot, weather-wise ๐Ÿ™‚
                                                      Again, thanks to all that came!

                                                    • #5389 Reply
                                                      Dale Sprosty

                                                        Enjoyed the ride Erasmo. Well done as ride leader!!!

                                                      • #5390 Reply
                                                        Karl Wagner

                                                          Thanks for a good ride Erasmo, Long day, many miles, unique points of interest, and of course good food and friends! Thanks!

                                                        • #5391 Reply
                                                          Bill Reitz

                                                            Thanks Erasmo for an interesting day of riding, Karen and I enjoyed it all. I slept sooo good Saturday night and way into Sunday.

                                                          • #5394 Reply
                                                            Erasmo Brenes

                                                              Glad you guys enjoyed it! I did have a great time. Many sights and places I hadn’t been/seen before.
                                                              I’ve got lots of great pics to post, but our photomeister is on the road!
                                                              Tito did get his drone to fly after we left and took a nice video of it!
                                                              BTW, the total mileage was 400mi ๐Ÿ™‚

                                                            • #5395 Reply
                                                              Rob Tripp

                                                                Kellie and I enjoyed our first ride with SCBMWRC. Great group, good food and exciting route. Looking forward to future rides!

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